Times of Eswatini

Jesus at the centre of your life


28 might get busy with your daily routines :ork, family, hobbies, school and life. In fact, you are likely to have gotten so absorbed at times that you prioritise­d all these activities over -esus.

3rioritisi­ng things of this world means allowing them to rule over you, Must like a king does. 6ometimes when the +oly 6pirit whispers to our souls to alarm us that we need to pray or read the word, but instead we tend to make excuses, that *od will understand that we are so busy with whatever we are doing and we will make the for +im later.

:hat does it mean to make -esus .ing of your life" 1umerous king doms have existed throughout histo ry. 7he %ible indeed tells us of the rise and fall of several of these kingdoms.

1one of them, however, have the strength, abundance, prosperity and promises of restoratio­n, righteous ness, love and perfection like the kingdom of -esus &hrist. -esus¶ king ship has many facets.


5HYHODWLRQ says that -esus is µ.ing of kings and /ord of lords¶. If the %ible claims that -esus is king, and you believe *od¶s :ord is truth, then you need to make -esus king of your life and know what this means.

³-esus answered, µ0y kingdom is not of this world. If 0y kingdom were of this world, 0y servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the -ews but now 0y kingdom is not from here.¶´ ± -RKQ

7his kingdom is not Must an ordinary kingdom like the ones recorded in history or the one we have in this country.

'DQLHO records the vision and interpreta­tion of king 1ebuchadne] ]ar¶s dream about what will happen in times to come.

9HUVH says, ³In the time of those kings, the *od of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever«´

Indeed kingdoms have passed, kings reinstated and dethroned, but there¶s a kingdom that *od has es tablished in these latter days, it is +is kingdom and -esus is the king of this kingdom.

-esus is king because according to scripture +e brings princes to nothing ,VDLDK +e up holds the universe by the word of +is power +HEUHZV , +e had a one of a kind and pure conception and birth 0DWWKHZ +e heals 0DWWKHZ +e gives us eternal life through +is death on a cross -RKQ without +im, therefore, there is no salvation and +e is much more than what a human mind can comprehend.

1one could these things could be accomplish­ed except by divine pow er. 7here¶s no way any mere human could perform such ama]ing feats without supernatur­al assistance. -esus is the king of the universe.

+e has all power and authority over everything in existence, including humanity.

³For by +im all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principali­ties or powers. $ll things were created through +im and for +im.´ ± &RORV VLDQV


%ecause -esus is king of the uni verse, you can make +im king of your life. +ow do you make -esus king of your life" 6erve +im with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength 0DUN

:hat then stand in the way of -e sus ruling in your heart" Firstly, it is pride. :hen you are proud, you take credit for *od¶s wonderful works. 6uch pride means you are consumed with yourself, pushing -esus away from your mind and further out of focus.

*od hates such pride 3URYHUEV

as it is the complete opposite of the humility +e expects of +is children. In the end, such pride will be your destructio­n and disgrace. 6econdly, struggles and hardships. 6truggles and hardships are part of life.

:e all face them in one way or another, but how you handle them matters. (ven the most faithful of *od¶s servants, such as 0oses, (li Mah, $braham, 'avid and the disci ples, faced hardships. -esus faced hardships

(veryone does go through a dif ficult time, no one is immune, but that shouldn¶t dethrone -esus in our hearts, for it is in those trying moments where we need +im the most and we should lean closest to +is &hest.

*od allows you to face them to strengthen your faith and trust in +im, shaping you more into +is image. +owever, these hardships can either refine you or define you. %e careful not to let struggles and hardships rule your life.

*od¶s :ord tells us to set our minds on the things above, not on the things of this earth. 7o look up will take one to forget whatever that is surroundin­g them, so whatever that surrounds us, we must forget and look up, setting our minds only on king -esus.

/astly, lack of Faith. 7here are times when faith and trust in *od can wane, especially during difficult times.

+owever, like -ob, that¶s when your faith in *od can actually grow, becoming stronger than before.

$s -esus said in 0DUN ³If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.´ Further, asking -esus to develop and grow your faith and trust in +im pleases +im, and +e is gracious to reward you accordingl­y.


'o not grow weary of trusting and having faith in -esus. If you struggle with this, perhaps it is time to ask *od how +e wants to change this area of your heart.

5epent and ask *od to forgive you for placing other things or people on the throne of your heart. &onfess it is +e alone who deserves that seat. 7his is the process of making -esus king of your life.

$s -esus is king, let +im rule your heart and life, your thoughts and words, your actions and feelings. 3ray and ask +im what +is thoughts are about situations and circumstan­c es you go through daily and that +e aligns your thoughts with +is.

³7he /25' directs the steps of the godly. +e delights in every detail of their lives.´

$lso, be thankful. 7he %ible says to give thanks in all circumstan­ces. %ecause *od works through and in all things, you can thank +im for what +e is already doing. $t the beginning and at the end of the day, -esus should be at the centre of your life. $nd this is what it looks like to make -esus king of your life. $re you ready to take that step"

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