Times of Eswatini

It could always be worse


+(1 you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive²to breathe, to think, to enMoy, to love.

Imagine all the people who leave their houses each morning and telling their loved ones they will see them in the evening and only for the family to receive bad news that he she got an accident along the way and passed on.

7hat¶s unbearable pain and a terrible situation. 7hen try to recall how many times you worried yourself over situa tions where suddenly you dented your car, how you became so emotional and stressed out you got after things didn¶t go the way you expected them to turn out at some point.

0y point is among the daily stress, tension, and challenges of life, stop and search for gratitude. :hat a gift it is to even be alive. For that car that is broken, give thanks that you have a car to fix. For that necessary and ex pensive home repair, give thanks and realise what a gift it is to even have a home. For that taxing Mob, give thanks that it pays the bills. For that exhaust ing child, give thanks for their strong personalit­y and recall how wonderful it was the day they were born.

Find perspectiv­e. (mbrace it. /ook with eyes of wonder and hope for tomorrow. 7ake time to enMoy the rainbow of colours in that sunset ap preciate being able to hear those birds singing, not everyone has that grace.


$s you read this today, someone is taking their last breath, some people are attending a funeral of a loved one, someone out there is receiving bad news of a life threatenin­g illness and worse someone is battling for their life in hospital machines and Must wishing they would Must be in your shoes Must for a moment.

6o, take time to be grateful Must for life itself, the many problems we have are only but a phase on our lives and nothing could be worse than loosing the very lives we have.


It is Tuiet unfortunat­e that many of us are clouded in our Mudgment until we experience a rock bottom tragedy.

2ur daily challenges can be up setting, but we are fortunate to not be standing where someone else is standing right now. 6omeone who is grieving, for they have lost a part of themselves and are struggling with a gaping hole deep in their soul. $n unforgetta­ble void that can never be filled, nor replaced.

I personally have learnt the art of gratitude, no matter my situation at that given moment I always remind myself that it could be worse than the current situation and all that I should be doing is at least grateful.

$lso, I learnt that gratitude during trying times provokes *od to act on your situation, the is nothing as heart warming as someone whom with tears in their eyes and before them a very tough situation still gives thanks to *od Must for being alive to experience it all and still has faith that it all shall be well.


I am a product of grace and the /ords unending mercy, each time I look at my entire life I am Must instantly overwhelme­d by emotions from un derstandin­g how mercy and grace has kept me thus far.

It is for that reason I share with you today that we often look at our situations and feel so discourage­d, disappoint­ed at ourselves, get agitated or even blame ourselves for some of the situations yet all we need to do is to

remind ourselves that, from what I see now, it could have been worse and all you need to is be filled with gratitude.

For example, someone slept in that hospital bed you are in or were once in but never made it out alive but here you are alive, is that not mercy in action, is that not something to be grateful for.

6omeone was involved in a car accident Must like you but never made it alive and here you are alive, that deserves gratitude.

6top what you¶re doing. 7ake a step back and try to imagine walking in someone else¶s shoes. 6omeone you may know who has suffered the loss of a loved one.


:hile you may not understand, acknowledg­e their loss and the road of profound sorrow they must now travel. It¶s not easy. Inhale deeply, absorb some sunshine, and remember, there are many others who would be incredibly thankful to be where you are today.

'espite it all, you are blessed. /et us all find perspectiv­e when facing strug gles that are tiny in the grand scheme of things and recogni]e the gifts we have been given. /et¶s not take this beautiful life for granted.


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