Times of Eswatini

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Values guide our every decision and, therefore, our destiny. Those who know their values and live by them become the leaders of our society. If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you had a tough time making a decision about something, the reason is that you weren’t clear about what you value the most within that situation.

We must remember that all decision making comes down to values clarificat­ion. When you know what’s most important to you, making a decision is quite simple.


The solution to all human problems is a return to values. In many ways, your unhappines­s and stress are caused by your drifting away from doing and saying the things that you know are right. Most people, though, are unclear about what’s most important in their lives, and thus decision making becomes a form of internal torture. We must realise that the direction of our lives is controlled by a magnet pull of our values. Everything that you do is a result of a choice. The ability to make choices distinguis­hes us from all other creatures. Every act you take, and every decision you make, is based on your dominant value at that time.


Your values are only and always expressed in your actions. It is what you do, rather than what you say that tells you and others what you value most. A value is not something that you compromise when it is convenient.

Your choice of values and your resolution to live by them form your character and personalit­y. People are honoured and respected for the values they stood for and represente­d. Once you have defined your values, you should organise them in order of priority.

The order in which you arrange your values is terribly important as well. This ranking of values largely determines the kind of person you are and the kind of life you live.

Brian Tracy once wrote; “You should live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.” In other words, before you make a decision or take an action, imagine that everyone else was going to do exactly the same thing. Imagine that your decision was going to become a law for yourself and everyone else.

This is a true test whether your decision is a good one. What kind of a society would we have if everyone lived and behaved exactly the way you do. Many of the problems in our society would not exist if this test were applied regularly in debates over public and social policy.

We have to teach our children our philosophy of life by being strong role models, by knowing our own values and living by them. Teenage girls must be taught in every society to value most their precious bodies and education.

This alone can play a vital role in reducing the pregnancie­s among the pupils in schools. The first step to creating any change is deciding what you want so that you have something to move toward.

T. Vilane

Problems in life are everywhere; they are actually no respecter of persons. Life is usually a combinatio­n of good and bad days. Problems will keep popping up in life at different times, different levels, and with different intensity. When trouble arises, some people rise higher and become greater, while others sink deeper into depths of depression and hopelessne­ss. Problems mean different things to different people. We all view problems and trials in different ways. Those who usually survive storms of life perceive problems as indicators of change.

It is important to realise that the greater the problem, the greater the victory. Usually the intensity of our trials is equivalent to the importance of our future assignment­s in life.

Your tomorrow can be sabotaged by the decision you make in the heat of the present trials. Every trial is designed to impact us for our future. Every decision we make today in the light of our problems will also help shape our future. Problems are trainers for decision making. Obstacles are not really designed to stop us, but to qualify us for new levels in life.



Every level of life demands certain degrees of spiritual, emotional and mental stability. Problems are obstacles which frustrate us while we attempt to reach certain goals. It is how we react to these frustratio­ns that is key to building muscles in us and qualify us for our next level. Problems are also lessons which teach us how to be determined and focused. Sometimes we need a situation to teach us something.

Every challenge has an answer; just because we cannot see the answer now does not necessaril­y mean there is no answer. Usually the problem is not really the problem, the problem is how we see or perceive the problem. We must always be willing to pay the price for solving problems, instead of being in the habit of blaming others. A good attitude and clear perception are key ingredient­s in turning our problems into stepping stones. We must, therefore, not allow any form of problem, trial or challenge to sabotage our better future or rob us of our positive contributi­on to a better family, society and nation.

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