Times of Eswatini

Festive season great time to buy property

- -IOL Property

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– Reduced competitio­n

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– Motivated sellers

„“•–‹–Ž—ƒ”‡‹„‘…’Ž‡”‰Ž‹›–…Ǥ‡‹”‰Š‘‹ˆ•–•‘‹˜ƒ”…ƒƒ„–†‹—‘›’Ž‡‡‘•”ƒ–•†‡Ǥ–‘––‘‹ƒ…ŽŽŽ‘›‘•”ˆ‡ƒ‡˜‘†‡—‡‰”ƒ‘ƒŽ•Ǧ –ƒšƒ›˜‡ƒ„•†‡–˜‹Žƒ‘‰‘–„ƒ‹‰‡‡ˆ‰‘•”–‘‡ƒ‘•›ˆ‡ˆƒ•”‘‡Ǧ–‡…‡ƒ†’‹…–ƒƒ˜Ž‡‰•Šƒ–ƒ‘‹˜”‡•

– Tax advantages

‘—”””‡†—– …–ƒ‡š–›Š‡‡ƒ‹”Ǥ –ƒš Ž‹ƒ„‹Ž‹–› ˆ‘” –Š‡ Ȃ

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Family planning

‹˜‡•–‘”‡•…–ƒ’”–‘ƒ’‡‹”––‹‘‡•–Š‘‹”• ”‡‹Ž‘†…ƒǦ•–‡‹‘–Ǥ Ǥ

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– Long-term investment


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The world’s largest treehouse

The world’s largest treehouse has over 80 rooms and 10 floors. It took the builder over 14 years to build.


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ask‡i…n‡gp„r‡i”ce‹• ‘– ƒ ’ƒ”–‹…—Žƒ”Ž›

You may be able to get a good ’‘’—Žƒ” •‡ƒ•‘ ˆ‘” •ƒŽ‡• ƒ• ’‡‘’Ž‡ –ƒŠ”‡ ‡†‘”‘‡ˆ –ˆŠ‘‡…—›•‡‡ƒ†” ™‘‹–Š …–‡ŠŽ‡‡‹„””Žƒ‘–˜‹‡†‰ ‘‡•Ǥ ‡…ƒ—•‡ ‘ˆ –Š‹•ǡ ‹– ‹• ’”‘„ƒ„Ž‡ –Š‡ƒ‡–†–Š‘‡ˆ ƒŠ„‘—›‡•”Ǥˆ‘” •ƒŽ‡ ƒ”‡ ‹ —”‰‡– –‹‘Š‹–•‘’—‡–‰•‘›–‘‹ƒ—–‡‹ˆ‘ƒ”ƒ‡…šŠ…‡ƒŽŽ’‡‡”– ’”‘‹•…‹‡Ǧ ‘” –‘ Šƒ˜‡ •‘‡ ”‡’ƒ‹”• ‘” ‹’”‘˜‡Ǧ ’—‡”…–Š•ƒ…•‡‘Ǥ˜‡”‡† „› –Š‡ ’”‹…‡ ‘ˆ ›‘—”

Dz Š‹• …ƒ ‰‹˜‡ •‘‡‘‡ –Š‡ ’—•Š –‹Š–‡‘› –Š‡‡‡‹†” ‘–‘™•–‘’’”‘”’‡‡”–‹–›‰‹ˆƒ–Š†‡› ‘ƒ˜”‡ ˆŒ—‘•”†– ‘–‘ „–Š—‡› ˜‘‡”‡‰Ǥ‡ ‘ˆ „‡‹‰ ƒ„Ž‡ –‘ ƒˆǦ

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– There won’t be as much competitio­n

The five-storied pagoda, horyu-ji temple The five-story pagoda building in Horyuji, Japan, is the oldest wooden building on earth. It was built with timber from trees that were harvested in 600 A.D.

The ‘Empty State Building’

Since the Empire State Building was opened during the Great Depression, much of its space initially went unrented. As a result, many New Yorkers referred to the building as the ‘Empty State Building.’

Japan’s tsunami stones

There are hundreds of ancient stones along the coast of Japan’s tsunami-affected areas that say, “Do not build your homes below this point!”

A moat point

The primary purpose of a castle’s moat was to prevent attackers from digging tunnels under the walls.

Hitler’s Hollywood mansion

Adolf Hitler once owned a mansion in Hollywood that he never stepped foot in. „Ž›”‘„—‡ƒ†„Ž–‡Š‡–‘ŠŠ‘‘Ž‹—†•ƒ‡›•Šǡ —›‘–—ǯ™ŽŽ‹’–Š”‘Ž„‡•ƒ•Ǧ from other buyers

‘’‡–‹–‹‘ ƒ† ‰‡– –‘ …Š‘‘•‡ ˆ”‘ ƒŽ•˜Ǥƒ”‹‡…–‡› ‘ˆ‘”‡ƒǡ Ž–Š‡‹•–ƒ‹•–‡„‡’…”ƒ‘—ˆ‡••‡•‹‘– ‹•Ǧ ƒ–Š”‡ ’–‹”‡‘‡…‘…—ˆ ’›‹‡‡ƒ†” ™‹Š–Š‡•’‡‘†•–‹’‰‡–‘‹’Ž‡ ™•Š‹‘–Š’’–‹Š‡‰‹•”’”ˆƒ‡‡•‹ǤŽ‹‡• ƒ† ‰‘‹‰ ‘

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‡ŽŽ‡”•ǡ ƒ‰‡–• ƒ† „ƒ• ƒŽŽ ™ƒ–

- Sellers want to sell their homes


as soon as possible

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 ?? (Courtesy pics) ?? If you’re able to act fast, December is a great time to negotiate a better asking price and you may begin your new journey in your new house immediatel­y.
(Courtesy pics) If you’re able to act fast, December is a great time to negotiate a better asking price and you may begin your new journey in your new house immediatel­y.
 ?? ?? The festive season brings a unique dynamic to the real estate market that can make investing in property at this time a strategic decision.
The festive season brings a unique dynamic to the real estate market that can make investing in property at this time a strategic decision.
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