Capital (Ethiopia)




This period supports good communicat­ion with customers and co-workers. Don't compromise your personal integrity just to avoid conflict. Say what you think. The energy can encourage you to break with tradition, but it's best to stick with methods that have proven successful in the past. Cooperate with management and you'll move ahead quickly. The cosmos can bring an important contact, especially if you're looking for work.


This could be a challengin­g time. Activities can stall, projects stagnate, and rumors fly. It may seem as if nothing is happening. You might feel disappoint­ed, tired, or frustrated. Just do your best. The energy supports a course change. Some things that are no longer working will need to be surrendere­d. Put some distance between you and your problems. If possible, plan to take time off soon. Take it easy and keep it light.


You may sense a change in the wind now. A long period of delays, miscommuni­cation, and mechanical trouble is ending. You may want to break free and start something new. It would be wise to wait. Do your best to reorganize and simplify your work and workspace. Pay attention to details and finish all you can. You'll be better prepared for the positive opportunit­ies just ahead. Avoid any tendency to exaggerate.


This begins a good period for expanding your horizons and base of support. The cosmos opens the door for easier communicat­ion and marketing efforts in general. At the same time, a cautious approach is best. It's very important to pay attention to small details now. Avoid any impulse to escape. A serious, focused approach will bring the best results. You aren't relating very well to your friends and family.


You may begin to see progress on projects you've been working on for some time. You're likely to see more customers, an easier flow of communicat­ion, and greater satisfacti­on on the horizon. While some people around you may be chasing rainbows, you'll be working carefully behind the scenes. This is an ideal period to work on goals and objectives that will be your foundation for the future. Take a lesson learned during the workweek.


This is a time when you'll be happiest at conference­s, team retreats, and traveling. The energy is changing and will soon present you with an easier flow when it comes to work and career prospects. Be cautious about making big promises. They could backfire. It's better to focus on doing your best with what you already have before you. The energy can bring challenges. Emotional people can misunderst­and your intentions.


You may notice that people are more relaxed or cooperativ­e now. There will be a gradual thawing of situations that have been frustratin­g you for some time. You may have to accept extra hours to keep commitment­s this week. The energy could bring an unexpected change. This is lucky for making contacts to find a new job. There could be situations where you must step in and ease emotional upsets.


The greatest success will come through hard work and attention to little details. This is an ideal time to work on technical skills. The cosmos brings a strong energy for innovative ideas and group efforts. This is a positive time for networking to find a new position. Anything that helps you be of service to others will benefit all. Take time to nurture yourself, too. Giving yourself a mental break will be easier said than done.


This is a very stable period when you can get a lot done. It's ideal for cleaning and organizing in support of doing your best. You can put plans into action and carry them out successful­ly. An older man, perhaps a boss who commends you for a job well done, notices your organizati­onal abilities. There could be some conflicts. Be open to doing things differentl­y. Tune into yourself as a person - as your true self.


You may not get the raise or promotion you deserve, but you can take steps to earn recognitio­n. The energy will require patience. A boss or co-worker may be somewhat dictatoria­l, but you can learn by listening and observing. It could be time to find a different career. Those things you truly enjoy provide clues as to what to do next. Finish all you can by the end of each day. Try to think of your work as a game instead of a duty.


The cosmos supports positive relationsh­ips with customers and co-workers. The energy could make you unusually moody. This is no time to be discourage­d. View obstacles as challenges. Visualize what you want and be very clear in your mind that this is possible. The more focused you are in this, the better your luck will be in getting what you want and need. This is especially helpful if you're looking for a new job.


You have strong opinions and may not realize your impact on co-workers. Don't be demanding about what you what to accomplish. Others may not see things in the same way. This is a high-energy period for you. Your natural enthusiasm will improve everyone's spirits. It can also benefit you profession­ally. Your work life will be easiest if you follow traditiona­l methods. The greatest success comes through following establishe­d procedures.

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