Fiji Sun

Things to eat before and after your workout


No matter what sort of workout you follow, what you eat before you begin and after you’re done is very important. So, whether you’re into circuit training, strength training or cardio, here are foods that you should consume...

Cardio comprises fast-paced exercises like running, cycling or aerobics. - Pre workout: Hence, consume a low fat and high carb meal at least an hour before you start. Ideal choices include a banana, glass of milk or a handful of almonds.

- Post workout: This is the time when your body needs nutrients so that it doesn’t go low on energy. It’s best to opt for protein and carbs , which will help ease the aches in your muscles. Low fat milk, coconut water or a smoothie are great drinks to have instead of sipping on caffeine-filled drinks. Circuit training not only improves the strength of your muscles but also works various muscle groups because it involves a number of exercises at rapid intervals. - Pre workout: Focus more on carbs and slightly lesser on proteins. Fruits are your best bet — apples and bananas are a good option. You could also eat a mix of dried fruits about 45 minutes before your workout. - Post workout: This meal should comprise very little fat. Opt for a fresh salad, smoothie, protein shake or fruits.Strength training comprises exercises that use resistance in order to bring about muscular contractio­n. This, in turn, will improve your strength and endurance.

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