Fiji Sun

Meeting probe


Abendra Ram Tahal, California, USA

The Attorney-General’s office should hold full and thorough probe into the recent meeting held by the SODELPA Leader, Sitiveni Rabuka, in Imanueli Methodist Church in Nadera. Sitiveni held the meeting as the SODELPA party leader’s capacity yet he claims the meeting was in regard to thanksgivi­ng services.

Sitiveni, being the leader of a political party, should very well know that all political parties, including FijiFirst, SODELPA, NFP, Labour, etc are prohibited from conducting any kind of meetings in the name of political parties in any religious places like churches, mosque and temples under the law.

The Attorney-General’s office should investigat­e if any laws were broken and more so if the SODELPA party’s name was mentioned in the meeting then the violation was already committed and appropriat­e action should be taken against Sitiveni and the party. Also the authoritie­s should check if Sitiveni had the proper permit to hold the meeting. Like any democratic nation state and religion are totally independen­t and hence Sitiveni should be dismissed by the electoral commission as he still claims that he is Methodist Church lay preacher. Our Prime Minister, Mr Bainimaram­a is trying his best to eliminate the racial and discrimina­tory policies of the past government­s.

The Attorney-General’s office should also interview and investigat­e SODELPA senior members and opposition MPs Aseri Radrodro, Salote Radrodro, Ratu Sela Nanovo and Mikaele Leawere who attended the meeting. The president of the Methodist Church in Fiji, Reverend Tevita Banivanua, is wrong in saying that lay preachers were allowed to be involved in politics.

 ??  ?? Abendra Tahal with Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a in USA recently.
Abendra Tahal with Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a in USA recently.

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