Fiji Sun

Police break up TISI Sangam AGM again

Mr Naicker said they would now await a meeting by the TISI Sangam Council.

- Edited by Maraia Vula WAISEA NASOKIA Feedback:


Police yesterday had to break up the heated annual general meeting of the Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam (TISI Sangam) and cancel the meet for the second time this year. Brief violence broke out as some members of Sangam kept on asking questions from the floor as AGM and which led to the interventi­on of Police officers. Then a disgruntle­d group was ordered to leave the premises with the help of the security officers. He heated words were exchanged. National president Sadasiwan Naicker was not happy with the proceeding­s during the meeting which was being held at the Sangam Sadhu Kuppuswamy Memorial College in Nadi. Divisional Police Commander Western, Senior Superinten­dent of Police Inoke Yalimaiwai, Deputy Divisional Police Commander Western Abdul Khan and officers who were present, moved in and closed the AGM under the Public Order Amended Decree 2012. Mr Naicker said: “There were four people who tried to stop the meeting and there were 10 Police officers who could not control the peace in the meeting. “They stopped the AGM which was attended about 800 people but they couldn’t even control the fight and a shame on them.” Police spokespers­on Ana Naisoro said: “Police did step in to stop the meeting as there were some safety concerns and we had received prior informatio­n that prompted the need to have Police presence. “Informatio­n gathered were based on claims that there were difference­s brewing amongst the members that would have led to violent exchanges during the convention.” This is the second time this year the TISI Sangam has gone through turmoil since May 29. A retired legal practition­er Adi Narayan who resides in Canada was part of the AGM. Mr Narayan said: “There was no disturbanc­e but some rowdy members who were suspended came here and they wanted to be part of the meeting.” He added the chairperso­n told them to leave but they insisted and created havoc. “Five or seven of them was creating noise. “Then Police officers came in stopped the meeting. Everything was in order as there was no disruption as there was a court order that it shall be held. Police intervened and the question is why?” A life member Narend Naidu, a former civil servant from Labasa, said, “We are here to ask question and need it to be answered. “These executives should learn from our Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a, he answers when question is put to him. They are not above the PM; simply do ask answers that’s all what we want.” Mr Naicker said they would now await a meeting by the TISI Sangam Council.

TIV Sangam

Meanwhile, Tarunesh Reddy was elected unopposed as the President of the Then India Valibar (TIV) Sangam during their election of office bearers as per the court order. Mr Reddy said, “This was the deferred election of the office bearers given as per the court order to us. “This election meant a lot to us as issues were going around and everything is solved and will start rolling the ball from tomorrow (today). “We are looking forward to take Sangam to a different height as you know we are one of the biggest organisati­on when it comes to sports. “We host the biggest convention during the Easter Weekend with about 65 teams including some from overseas.” Mr Reddy also welcomed the two newly elected, assistant secretary Shaneel Gounder and southern vice-president Arvind Raju.

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