Fiji Sun

Toso Viti toso


Apete Marayawa, Ba Not often do events happen that have such an overwhelmi­ng effect over the whole of Fiji they become indelibly associated as a significan­t chapter in our short history. At times we can even go years before events and occurrence­s of such magnitude happen to qualify to be added. Certainly there are the good ones and the bad; because such is life. However 2016 has unquestion­ably become my favourite year. We are three quarters of the way through the year and already two new chapters have been added to the chronicles of Fiji. February 20, saw Fiji devastated by Cyclone Winston. I cannot forget the look of shock people had on their faces on Sunday morning as the magnitude of the destructio­n became clear.

But despite significan­t losses what I remember even better is the way people and communitie­s pulled together. Neighbours despite never having spoken were checking up on each other, communitie­s were sharing what little they had. Fiji had become truly united as one nation of Fijians in our shared loss. Friday 12th August, barely 6 months later Fiji was again truly united but in our jubilation: We had won gold in Rio. As one nation we came together united in celebratio­n.

I may just be an optimist but there is definitely a renewed sense of pride and patriotism strengthen­ed by the bond of shared experience­s, of unity. We are finally embracing our identity as Fijians and come what may, our future looks bright.

Toso Viti Toso!

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