Fiji Sun

We must get our people to work to keep them away from crime

Communitie­s, faith groups, relevant Government ministries, schools and other stakeholde­rs can work together to help our unemployed become productive.

- NEMANI DELAIBATIK­I Feedback: nemani.delaibatik­

Last week we were shocked by new informatio­n on sexual offences against our women and children.

This week we get another shock treatment with serious crime statistics released by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns.

Eight one people were charged with a total of 88 counts of separate incidents in May. The offences were murder (three), attempted murder (one), manslaught­er (one), aggravated robbery (13), robbery with violence (one), aggravated burglary (25), theft (25), receiving stolen property (three), assault (two), assault with intent to cause bodily harm (five), dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm (one), driving with excess alcohol (one), breach of domestic violence restrainin­g order (one), conspiracy (one), damaging property (one), possession of illicit drugs (one). Everyone should be alarmed by the statistics. These crimes are usually committed by people who are idle and looking for something to do. Some are desperate for money.

The solution is to teach and direct these people to gainful employment or some form of productive work. We cannot just sit there and whinge and moan and expect things to happen magically. Some blame the Government for unemployme­nt.

But what good would that do? Unemployme­nt is not only confined to Fiji, it’s a global phenomenon.

It’s a result of rapid urbanisati­on and the move to automation where robots have taken over from humans on the factory floors. We also know that when we grow our economy through new investment, we create new jobs.

We can do all we can but there will always be unemployme­nt. Wherever there is land, sea and river, there is hope. And that’s what we have in Fiji. There is so much vacant and unused land around that can be utilised and converted for economic gains. We have our marine resources that many are already using to survive in terms of food and commercial purpose. We need to direct our unemployed into these areas so that they can be productive.

Let’s get everyone working. For those who are unemployed and live in a place where there is vacant land that can be used, plant crops and vegetables that can grow there.

Communitie­s, faith groups, relevant Government ministries, schools and other stakeholde­rs can work together to help our unemployed become productive. In several communitie­s, youth groups have been set up with the help of Minister Laisenia Tuitubou’s ministry to engage youths in activities that will keep them busy with projects that also earn money for them. We should get our people to work if we are to keep them away from criminal activities. We must teach them that there is no other substitute for work.

These crimes are usually committed by people who are idle and looking for something to do. Some are desperate for money. The solution is to teach and direct these people to gainful employment or some form of productive work.

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