Fiji Sun

NFP Leaders Notable Absentees From Rally

- LOSIRENE LACANIVALU Edited by Karalaini Waqanidrol­a Feedback: lusianatui­

Some 60 people including political party members turned up last night at a rally organised by six political parties. Five out of the six political party leaders gathered at the Wesley Hall in Butt Street, Suva, to discuss their 2018 “free and fair election petition”.

Present were SODELPA leader Sitiveni Rabuka, Fiji United Freedom Party leader Jagath Karunaratn­e, People’s Democratic Party’s Lynda Tabuya and Fiji Labour Party leader Mahendra Chaudhry and Unity Fiji’s Savenaca Narube. Conspicuou­s by their absence were National Federation Party president Pio Tikoduadua and leader Biman Prasad. NFP’s Seni Nabou was present. A member of the audience queried if the parties were standing together to fight for a common good?

Mr Rabuka acknowledg­ed the question and said that they would continue to stand united in promoting a “free and fair” election. “I think he is implying that will we form a coalition, one political group to fight in the next election.

“But we seem to be differing at the moment and we have time,” Mr Rabuka said. Ms Tabuya said she was encouraged with the forum and reminded the public that the political parties present were not the stakeholde­rs in voting.

She said voting was done by every citizen and their duty was to fight for a “free and fair election”.

“Engaging the Government is not just our role, every citizen can engage the Government, the Prime Minister has a direct line anyone can call and or write letters to the editor and social media is a powerful tool also,” Ms Tabuya said.

 ?? Photo: ?? Political party members and supporters at the rally at Wesley hall in Suva on August 29, 2017.
Photo: Political party members and supporters at the rally at Wesley hall in Suva on August 29, 2017.

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