Fiji Sun

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Final Term Kirti Patel, Lautoka

Now the students are gearing towards the final term of this school year.

The holidays has rounded off and the students and teachers are on the run again.

Many students would be slow to get to school after the hype they went through during the holidays.

For some it would be a day of excitement, desperatel­y waiting for the holidays to end to start their final term.

Now there is simply no time to waste. Let's hope our students pull up their sleeves and get out of the holiday mood and start catching up to focus on their studies.

It is understood the first week might go at a snail's pace for some but eventually they will come back on track with enthusiasm. There is a big picture which is the seven long week holidays that can be used as a motivation factor. A few more weeks and the big bash of the Christmas holidays will be there to enjoy. Let's hope students will make good use of the school library to enhance their reading skills and assist them in their studies.

Let's hope the free education initiative of our Government is put to a better use. Students please be careful on the roads and do cross very carefully.

Let's hope the Police Officers will be around to guide our little ones.

We wish all the students and teachers the very best for this term.

May God bless you all.

Political promises Narayan Reddy, Lautoka

A lot of new promises are coming.

It looks like that at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 will be a year full of promises. Uncle Noji told me to be very careful with all the promises because some promises will have a lie attached to them.

Jaywalking Nitin Nilesh Prasad, Suva

Jaywalking and illegal parking or stopping continue to be major concerns during peak traffic hours in Suva City.

Everyday in Suva people are rushing everywhere. People need to know the dangers of jaywalking in our towns and cities and even in our very own communitie­s. Jaywalking is dangerous.

It is our responsibi­lity as the youths of today and tomorrow to see that this issue is tackled. I believe there should be more enforcemen­t officers and Police Officers patrolling in Suva City so that we can stop this problem.

Poor Status of Diabetic Centre Dewan Chand, Suva

I write to express my deep disappoint­ment with the state of affairs at the Diabetic Centre, CWM Hospital in Suva, just opposite the maternity wing.

It is housed in a dilapidate­d old colonial wooden building which seems to have been in a state of disrepair for a long time.

It lacks modern toilet facilities and other amenities which could be helpful for the staff and the patients who visit the clinic on a regular basis.

Congestion inside and outside the building is so obvious but the authoritie­s concerned do not seem to notice it.

On any clinic day finding a parking spot inside the precincts of the Diabetic Centre is a nightmare.

Patients are forced to park on the footpath or simply clog the entrance to the clinic.

This state of affairs has gone on for far too long and it is time to speak out loud and clear.

I am diabetic and visit the clinic on a regular basis and it hurts to see the neglect of the premises. On a rainy day the area gets bogged and patients have to wade through mud to the building. You can well imagine the plight of those who cannot walk easily.

After attending the clinic, patients have to go to the hospital pharmacy,which is located on the ground floor of the new wing adjacent to the Extension Street.

The car park in front of this building has been in a state of disrepair for a long time. There are gaping craters full of water through which the vehicles have to pass.

For taxis and small vehicles the broken blocks and cement edges can inflict severe damage.

All along Extension Street yellow lines have been marked to prohibit parking. However, this is a futile exercise as it is constantly violated due to the shortage of parking spaces for many who visit CWM on a daily basis. Extension Street is indeed a high demand area and action must be taken to provide for parking spaces.

Planners must put on a thinking cap and find solutions to this very serious problem.

I respectful­ly suggest that the Diabetic Centre be demolished and a multi story car park is built there to meet the increasing demands forparking.

This modern building with lift facilities can still house the Diabetic Centre on the ground floor. The other alternativ­e would be to demolish the two government quarters besides the entrance to the Emergency section and have the multi-story car park built here.

I make these suggestion­s in the belief that that CWM is the pride of our nation and it must provide the best.

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