Fiji Sun

Best Wishes for COP23

- Maika Bolatiki Photo: Vilimoni Vaganalau

Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a (right) with the Permanent Secretary for iTaukei Affairs Naipote Katonitabu­a.

The PM was accorded a traditiona­l farewell ceremony yesterday at the GCC Complex in Nasova, Suva, where he was wished well for the 23rd annual Conference of Parties (COP23) in Bonn, Germany. Mr Bainimaram­a is the President of COP23. Fiji is presiding over COP23 with the support of the German government. The conference is from November 6 to 17.

Prime Minister and incoming COP23 President, Voreqe Bainimaram­a, was traditiona­lly farewelled by the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs at Nasova, Suva, yesterday.

In his presentati­on Ratu Aca Mataitini said Fiji was proud of him in accepting the COP23 presidency and wished him well in his trip to Bonn, Germany, next week.

Ratu Aca said in his presentati­on that the Prime Minister’s selection was from God and he would be leaving for Bonn with God’s blessing and from the people of Fiji.

“We wish you well and pray for God’s blessing on you while chairing the COP23 meet,” Ratu Aca said.

A traditiona­l yaqona ceremony followed where the cup bearer was the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, Naipote Katonitabu­a. The PM said he accepted the COP23 presidency with the support of Germany.

He said he did not expect the farewell because he was just told that the staff of the Ministry of the

iTaukei Affairs was preparing a morning tea. He thanked Mr Katonitabu­a and his staff for the farewell and Reverend Joseva Tikonatabu­a from the Methodist Church of Fiji for blessing the ceremony.

At the COP23 meeting the PM said he would be pushing for the Paris Agreement calling for global warming to be kept well under two degrees over that of the industrial age and as close as possible to 1.5 degrees.

He said at Bonn he would not only be representi­ng Fiji but all the small island developing states. The COP23 presidency he said provided a platform for the Pacific region to have a voice.

The Prime Minister said a decisive action to limit global warming must be taken.

In the Pacific he said some islands would sink in 30 to 50 years time and this would also happen to some areas in Fiji.

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 ?? Photo: Vilimoni Vaganalau ?? Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a during the farewell ceremony outside the GCC Complex area in Nasova, Suva, on October 27, 2017.
Photo: Vilimoni Vaganalau Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a during the farewell ceremony outside the GCC Complex area in Nasova, Suva, on October 27, 2017.

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