Fiji Sun

Make amends to improve

- Feedback:

Spencer Robinson, Suva

Time really flies as the COP23 Climate Conference is a few days before commenceme­nt and the fact that Christmas is just two months away! After this we will be embracing the new year, 2018.

The months of November and December are usually known for Office/Team Christmas Break-up parties or get together as we rapidly approach the conclusion of 2017.

It is where there are lots of "drinking" (alcohol and kava) and less eating.

Perhaps that could be the other way around for some.

Neverthele­ss, please enjoy, drink responsibl­y, eat sensibly and continue with exercising regularly.

There is always the occasional quarrels and brawls resulting from excessive consumptio­n of liquor and the scenes where people say they are fine (okay) to drive even though they had been drinking or are already showing symptoms of being "drunk and disorderly”.

The drama I tell you! Like I said drink responsibl­y and say no to "drink and drive."

Perhaps it is only wise that we reflect on our achievemen­ts and failures for 2017 and make amends for improvemen­ts in 2018. Spending time with our family members is perhaps the best thing one can do as we approach the festive season of Christmas. No matter what, our family will always be our family in good and bad times Finally, never forget to always embrace the true meaning of "Christmas!"

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