Fiji Sun

German president raises refugee emergency on Manus with Turnbull

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Berlin: German President FrankWalte­r Steinmeier raised the situation at the Manus Island refugee camp with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Saturday during a meeting in Perth, German news agency DPA reported on Saturday.

The German president is in Perth to attend a German-Australian business conference.

“I was assured that options for better care and accommodat­ion for the remaining refugees will be examined,” Steinmeier said, quoted by the DPA report. Australia, according to the German president, was looking for a quick solution to the refugee crisis that included resettleme­nt options.

On Friday, United Nations aid agencies called on the Australian government to stop its “policy of deterrence by rescuing people at sea, mistreatin­g them and abandoning them”.

“We are concerned by events in the past week at Australia’s offshore Regional Processing Centre on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea where refugees and asylum seekers are holding out after the Australian government’s decision to close the facility and pull out its support staff,” said Rupert Colville, spokespers­on of the UN High Commission­er for Human Rights (OHCHR).

“We share the concerns of other UN agencies, including UNHCR, about what is an unfolding humanitari­an emergency,” he added. The spokespers­on for the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) Babar Baloch said, “Australia’s policy of deterrence by rescuing people at sea, mistreatin­g them and abandoning them has become a notion of cruelty.”

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