Fiji Sun

Support our PM, COP23 delegation in our prayers, summit starts today

Our people are eager to know the outcome of this crucial global meeting


The United Nations 23rd Conference of Parties (COP23) on climate change starts today and every country is eager to hear the outcome of this meeting.

Just a dot on the world map, Fiji will preside over this crucial global event. It is a massive internatio­nal vote of confidence in Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a and all of Fiji.

While our Prime Minister works with the various world leaders, our own people will be eager to know what benefits this meeting will bring about here.

For all those in the delta of Rewa, small islands around our Fiji group, those located by the sea, climate change is real and they witness this every day. The Turaga ni Koro of Vunaniu Village in Serua, Atunaisa Mocelutu says as their village is located on the coast outside Suva they are optimistic that they will benefit from this meeting.

He said their village is constantly inundated by sea water during high tides and heavy rain, leaving its inhabitant­s in a precarious position.

He blames climate change.

In the delta of Rewa; dredging works, littering and continuous growth of invasive water weeds is affecting the district of Toga.

Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa said while the Rewa River is a source of livelihood for the people of Rewa especially the district of Toga, climate change has adverse effects which need to be addressed.

Ro Teimumu said this is also due to the increase in river pollution and continuous dredging works.

She said the villages by the river are affected by the king tides whereby the water rises to inundate the villages.

With the district of Toga comprising three villages and a population of 500, Ro Teimumu said the villages are looking at ways to mitigate the effects of climate change. Turaga ni Koro, Peni Odro, 71, of Muana Village says the district of Toga was an island on its own and the closest one to Viti Levu. He said the meeting in Bonn is a hope that remedial measures will be implemente­d to reverse climate change.

Our marine ecosystems which were once filled with a variety of marine organisms are being affected.

It is not only Fiji, but our Pacific Island neighbours who are also threatened. Some severely.

Fiji will be fighting for and discussing amongst other things the creation of climate change resilient communitie­s around the world. Our vulnerable Pacific neighbours and our own people eagerly await the outcome. Keep our Prime Minister and our Fijian delegation­s at the COP23 meet in our prayers. Let's pray COP23 will bring benefits to Fiji, our island neighbours and the world.

Fiji will be fighting and discussing the creation of climate change resilient communitie­s around the world, our vulnerable Pacific neighbours and our own people eagerly await the outcome.

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