Fiji Sun


- Waisea Nasokia

Commuters were stranded at the Yaqara flats in Ra last night as flood waters failed to recede.

Police confirm that there were about 28 vehicles and two Sunbeam Express buses full of passengers on their way to Lautoka got stuck at the Yaqara flats on the Rakiraki end of the route.

Drauniivi Public School has been designated as a temporary shelter for travellers until the water recedes.

When this edition went to press last night, Rakiraki and Ba towns were without power. Police spokespers­on Ana Naisoro confirmed the power cuts.

The following evacuation centres are now opened as confirmed by the Ba District Office last night:

Vatulaulau Primary School, Ba Sangam School - three adults and three children; Namosau Methodist School, Naloto Primary School - 10 adults 25 children; and Nailaga Community Hall.

In Lautoka, the Paipai Irish crossing was washed away.

In Nadi, flash floods in Wailoko, in Sabeto district forced residents to be stranded on one side of the road.Karishma Nand, 28, and his family had to wait for three hours until the water eceded. His family was returning from the hospital.

Jagdish Prasad, 73, a farmer in the area said: “This place always get flooded in the rainly weather like this, it is not an easy thing since we have to move about for schools and other things.”

Aheavy downpour caused flooding along the main streets of Lautoka City yesterday.

Despite numerous efforts by the Lautoka City Council flood waters rushed through the main streets of Lautoka City and at Natabua.

Council chief executive officer Jone Nakauvadra said more than 20 workers were trying to clear the drains and waterways.

“These flash floods are unpredicta­ble, our workers have tried their best to at least minimise the damage.

“This situation has caused a lot of difficulti­es for motorists as well, especially since school starts tomorrow,” Mr Nakauvadra said. “We are trying to ensure that in future we have proper drainage in our city to avoid such incidences like this from happening. We will also be working with the Ministry of Waterways to find avenues to have proper drainage waterways.” Mr Nakauvadra is calling on support from members of the public and other organisati­ons/ stakeholde­rs to work hand in hand to maintain cleanlines­s and avoid blockages.

“People must refrain from throwing their rubbish, use appropriat­e bins that are provided by the council or practise recycling their rubbish. Rubbish is the main cause of the blockages,” Mr Nakauvadra added.

“We must maintain cleanlines­s throughout.

“The council will need the help from relevant organisati­ons and stakeholde­rs to achieve this.”

 ?? Photo: Waisea Nasokia ?? The Wailoko Road flooded, in Sabeto, Nadi on January 14, 2018.
Photo: Waisea Nasokia The Wailoko Road flooded, in Sabeto, Nadi on January 14, 2018.
 ?? Photo: Karalaini Tavi. ?? Flooding along a Lautoka road on January 14, 2018.
Photo: Karalaini Tavi. Flooding along a Lautoka road on January 14, 2018.

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