Fiji Sun


She accepts call by her people to stand again in the General Election


Opposition leader Ro Teimumu Kepa has agreed to contest the 2018 general election.

The Marama Bale na Roko Tui Dreketi (Paramount chief of Burebasaga) has put her retirement plans on hold after she was approached to stand during a Bose Vanua meeting at Burenivudi in Lomanikoro village, Rewa yesterday.

It is understood that requests for her to contest the election also came from Kadavu, Namosi, Naitasiri, Nadroga, Nadi and Ba, SODELPA USA and SODELPA supporters in Australia.

Ro Teimumu is 72 and

understood to be in good health. She is polling ahead of party leader Sitiveni Rabuka in the Fiji Sun public opinion poll. In the 2014 general election, she scored 49,485 votes, the second highest number of votes, after Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a (202,459 votes). The support for Ro Teimumu grew after internal bickering in the party threatened to jeopardise the party’s election chances. The last straw was the controvers­ial memorandum of understand­ing between SODELPA and the suspended People’s Democratic Party. The MOU caught many party members by surprise and some lodged complaints to the Supervisor of Election Mohammed Saneem.

Mr Saneem ruled that Vijay Singh, former PDP president, had breached the Political Parties decree when he was elected as SODELPA vice-president on December 9 last year and that the MOU was not a merger.

He also referred the matter to FICAC (Fiji Independen­t Commission Against Corruption). This incident has caused anxiety and more instabilit­y in the party. SODELPA leader Sitiveni Rabuka’s leadership came under scrutiny.

The push to get Ro Teimumu to stand is based on the belief by many supporters that she will provide the party stability and strength. Even Mr Rabuka, on several occasions, had expressed his desire to have Ro Teimumu in his election team. Her applicatio­n as a candidate will go through the selection process. The party has already named 31 candidates. Ro Teimumu is expected to be named in the remaining 20.

 ??  ?? Leader of the Opposition Ro Teimumu Kepa.
Leader of the Opposition Ro Teimumu Kepa.
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