Fiji Sun

Sick refugee baby on Nauru needs medical evacuation: Advocate

- Yaren: RNZI Feedback:

There is a call for the medical evacuation of a twoweek-old baby boy from Nauru, born to Iranian refugees detained there by Australia.

The refugee advocate Ian Rintoul said the baby has an infected umbilicus, but was not given antibiotic­s by staff at Nauru Hospital last Thursday as they said he was too young. Mr Rintoul said the infection became so severe by last Thursday night that the baby’s feet were swollen and bleeding.

He said the baby was taken back to hospital where there were six failed attempts to insert an intravenou­s drip. Mr Rintoul said the baby’s temperatur­e was not checked regularly overnight and antibiotic­s not administer­ed until mid-day on Friday.

He said the baby’s treatment was another example of medical negligence on Nauru that would not have happened in Australia where his parents sought asylum.

“There is a very real risk of septicaemi­a in such situations and Nauru is a long way from life-saving medical interventi­on. Monitoring the baby’s temperatur­e is an elementary measure of the scale of the infection,” he said “The safest measure is to arrange the baby’s medical evacuation. The fate of this baby’s life, like the lives of so many others on Nauru, rests with Border Force and Minister Dutton. In scores of cases, they have ignored doctors’ recommenda­tions for medical treatment.

“That can’t be allowed to happen. Bring the baby and his family to Australia.”

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