Fiji Sun

Sentencing Today on Manslaught­er Charge

- FONUA TALEI Edited by Mohammed Zulfikar Feedback: FONUA.TALEI@fiJISUN.COM.FJ

Samson Lal will be sentenced today in the High Court in Suva after he was convicted yesterday for one count of manslaught­er.

Judge Justice Vincent Perera concurred with the unanimous not guilty verdict of the assessors for murder however he found Lal guilty on a lesser count of manslaught­er.

The 46-year-old accused allegedly stabbed Jimmy Dass at his mother-in-law’s home in Samabula after a night of drinking. The alleged incident happened on May 28, 2016. While delivering his judgment, Justice Perera found that the evidence of the first three prosecutio­n witnesses were not reliable. He said Lal did not dispute being with the victim at his mother-inlaw’s home at the material time. However, he stated in evidence that the victim, who was the first to leave the house that night, was not injured when he left. Justice Perera said there were two injuries found on the victim’s body which was on his chest and on his groin area.

He went on to reject Lal’s claim that the answers in his caution interview were fabricated adding that he was satisfied that the answers given were true. Justice Perera was of the view that Lal’s claims that the act was of self-defence was not justified as the accused had taken the knife and pointed it at the victim who was more drunk than him at the material time.

He said given the circumstan­ces it was clear that Lal knew what he was doing.

Lal was remanded, pending his sentence today.

 ?? Photo: Fonua Talei ?? SAMSON LAL OUTSIDE THE HIGH COURT IN Suva.

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