Fiji Sun

Taking the dog for a walk can help older adults live longer


While the equivalent reduction in the risk of death was around 33 per cent for each additional 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity a day, the benefits of light intensity activity were large enough to mean that this too might prolong life.

Even a few minutes of light exercise daily, such as gentle gardening or taking the dog for a walk, can help the elderly live longer, suggests new research.

“(The) results suggest that all activities, however modest, are beneficial. The finding that (low intensity physical activity) is associated with lower risk of mortality is especially important among older men, as most of their daily physical activity is of light intensity,” said the researcher­s led by Barbara Jefferis of the University College London. Clocking 150 minutes of weekly physical activity of any level, even if accumulate­d in short bouts, might be critical, suggest the findings published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Current exercise guidelines recommend accumulati­ng at least 150 minutes a week of moderate to vigorous physical activity in bouts lasting 10 or more minutes. But such a pattern is not always easy for older adults to achieve, the researcher­s said.

To find out if other patterns of activity might still contribute to lowering the risk of death, the researcher­s drew on data from the British Regional Heart Study.

The final analysis of the study was based on more than 1,000 men, whose average age was 78. They were asked to wear an accelerome­ter a portable gadget that continuous­ly tracks the volume and intensity of physical activity during waking hours for seven days. During the monitoring period, which averaged around five years, 194 of the men died. The Indian Express

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