Fiji Sun

It is not Government’s role to establish mercy commission: A-G

Members are appointed by the President acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission

- JYOTI PRATIBHA Edited by Percy Kean Feedback:

Government will not establish the Mercy Commission. Attorney-General Aiyaz SayedKhaiy­um yesterday reminded members of Opposition about it. He also advised them to frame their questions better when speaking in Parliament.

SODELPA Member of Parliament Mosese Bulitavu, who is also a lawyer, had raised a question in Parliament: When would Government set up the Mercy Commission? He was told he was wrong to even ask that, since it is not Government’s role to establish the commission.

In their supplement­ary question SODELPA MP Niko Nawaikula said there some prisoners who deserved to be released early and were not able to progress in seeking early release in the absence of the commission. He, however, did not state who decided that some of those serving sentences for various crimes deserved to be released early and he did not take any names.

The Mercy Commission consists of the Attorney-General and four other members appointed by the President acting on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission. On the petition of any convicted person, the commission may recommend that the President exercise a power of mercy by—

granting a free or conditiona­l pardon to a person convicted of an offence;

postponing the carrying out of a punishment, either for a specific or indetermin­ate period; or

remitting all or a part of a punishment. The commission may dismiss a petition that it reasonably considers to be frivolous, vexatious or entirely without merit.

SODELPA Member of Parliament Mosese Bulitavu, who is also a lawyer, had raised a question in Parliament: When would Government set up the Mercy Commission?

 ??  ?? SODELPA MP Niko Nawaikula.
SODELPA MP Niko Nawaikula.

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