Fiji Sun

NZ Immigratio­n agents caught out over illegal rubber-stamping

- Wellington:

New Zealand Immigratio­n agents have been caught illegally rubber-stamping bulk applicatio­ns made by unlicenced advisers overseas.

More than a dozen agents, including a former immigratio­n officer, have been hauled in front of its disciplina­ry panel, which says it has had a series of complaints about the practice. In what the Immigratio­n Advisers Complaints and Disciplina­ry Tribunal described as one of the worst cases of its kind, Wellington adviser Howard Levarko, a former Immigratio­n New Zealand officer, set up a rubber-stamping operation with a recruitmen­t company in Canada. Mr Levarko signed off the company’s visa applicatio­ns as a licensed adviser but was caught when he lied to one of the would-be immigrants, Andrej Stanimirov­ic, about his knowledge of his case.

“I am satisfied Mr Levarko fabricated that informatio­n which he provided to Mr Stanimirov­ic,” said the tribunal in its decision. “The fabricatio­n was intended to deceive Mr Stanimirov­ic and cause him to believe that Mr Levarko had his immigratio­n affairs in hand, whereas in fact he had no knowledge of them. “The behaviour was dishonest and misleading. It occurred in the context of an illegal rubber-stamping operation and the gravity of the dishonesty is to be measured against that background.

“For the reasons discussed, rubber-stamping is a criminal offence under the legislatio­n that gives Mr Levarko the status of being a licensed immigratio­n adviser.”

Mr Stanimirov­ic eventually arrived in New Zealand on a visitor visa, and was turned around on arrival as border officials suspected he was not a tourist and was instead looking for a job.

“The provision of the necessary immigratio­n services in the manner required by the Act and the 2014 Code would have ensured that Mr Stanimirov­ic could have made an informed decision whether to come to New Zealand, and if so entered New Zealand under the relevant policy,” the tribunal found.

 ??  ?? Sample of a New Zealand passport.
Sample of a New Zealand passport.

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