Fiji Sun

Order Paper


Wednesday, 18 April 2018 at 9.30am

1. Prayer 2. Confirmati­on of Minutes. The Leader of the Government in Parliament to move – “That the Minutes of the sitting of Parliament held on Tuesday, 17 April 2018, as previously circulated be taken as read and be confirmed.” 3. Communicat­ions from the Chair 4. Presentati­on of papers and certain documents 5. Presentati­on of reports of committees 6. Questions (see Schedule 1) 7. Ministeria­l statements 8. Considerat­ion of Bills 9. Motions for which notice has been given (see Schedule 2)


Oral Questions 132/2018 Hon. Parmod Chand to ask the Minister for Fisheries – Would the Minister outline in Parliament what sort of awareness programme, if any, has the Ministry carried out, throughout the past one year following fatalities caused by eating common species of fish like Daniva in early 2017. 133/2018 Hon. Mataiasi Niumataiwa­lu to ask the Attorney-General and Minister for Economy, Public Enterprise­s, Civil Service and Communicat­ions – Can the Minister advise the House of the functions of the newly establishe­d Credit Informatio­n Reporting Agency PTE Ltd and how will it benefit consumers. 134/2018 Hon. Aseri Radrodro to ask the AttorneyGe­neral and Minister for Economy, Public Enterprise­s, Civil Service and Communicat­ions – Can the Minister inform the House if Government would consider enforcing a percentage of intakes for school leavers as Job attachment­s depending on the size of the firms and companies. 135/2018 Hon. Netani Rika to ask the Minister for Employment, Productivi­ty and Industrial Relations – Can the Minister inform the House on the measures that have been taken and will be taken by the Ministry to promote and improve Occupation­al Health in Fiji. 136/2018 Hon. Viliame Gavoka to ask the Minister for Industry, Trade, Tourism, Lands and Mineral Resources – MEN-C has the potential to harm Fiji’s tourism industry in the same way SARS devastated Asian tourism in the late 2002 to mid-2003. Can the Minister inform the House what the Government is doing together with the industry to assure and comfort those planning to visit Fiji not to be alarmed. 137/2018 Hon. Ashneel Sudhakar to ask the Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviatio­n – The recent data given by the Ministry shows that a total of 292 cases of Child Sexual Abuse had been reported under the Child Welfare Act from January to November in 2017. Can the Minister further elaborate on the trends in child abuse in the last 5 years. 138/2018 Hon. Ro Teimumu Kepa to ask the Minister for Local Government, Housing, Environmen­t, Infrastruc­ture and Transport – Many passengers are concerned about the high decibel level of the sound system on public buses, how is the Minister dealing with this issue. 139/2018 Hon. Jilila Kumar to ask the Minister for Local Government, Housing, Environmen­t, Infrastruc­ture and Transport – Can the Minister inform the House on the waiver of the Municipal Market Stall fees.


140/2018 Hon. Jiosefa Dulakivera­ta to ask the Minister for Waterways – In order to properly identify the flooding areas and find ways and means of controllin­g or minimising flooding, does the Ministry take any aerial survey of the flooded areas and compile data for future reference and whether that data could be made available to the stakeholde­rs and the general public. 141/2018 Hon. Dr Mere Samisoni to ask the Minister for Health and Medical Services – Can the Minister inform the House what are the Maternal and Foetal Mortality and Morbidity Rates since 1994. 142/2018 Hon. Ratu Suliano Matanitobu­a to ask the Minister for Agricultur­e, Rural and Maritime Developmen­t and Disaster Management and Meteorolog­ical Services – Can the Minister update the House on the developmen­t and plans of the Government for seawalls along the villages and settlement­s.


1. Hon. Lorna Eden to move – “That Parliament debates the ‘Report on the Fiji Developmen­t Bank Annual Report 2014 and 2015’ which was tabled on 22 March 2017.” (Parliament­ary Paper No. 55 of 2017) 2. Hon. Netani Rika to move – “That Parliament debates the ‘Review Report of the Committee on the Fiji Police Annual Report 2013’ which was tabled on 25 April 2017.” (Parliament­ary Paper No. 50 of 2016)

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