Fiji Sun

Witness Relays Instances Of Assault

- FONUA TALEI Edited by Epineri Vula Feedback:

Awitness in a murder trial at the High Court has told the court of instances where the accused would assault his defacto partner 34-year-old Rajeshni Deo Sharma, who was allegedly murdered on November 1, 2009. Imshad Ali is charged with Ms Sharma’s murder.

The witness, who taught at the same school as Ms Sharma, said Ali lived in the same building the kindergart­en was situated in.

She told the court she was present during instances in which Ali would kick and punch Ms Sharma in front of her and the children. She said he would throw cups, spoons and learning objects at her and in one instance he threw a piece of wood at the deceased. The witness said the accused would beat up Ms Sharma when she did not fulfil his needs, which were mostly about money that he wanted from her.

She said she left employment at the kindergart­en because she could not face that kind of behaviour displayed in the school and she feared for her safety. She testified that after she left the school she stayed in contact with Ms Sharma, who was her very best friend.

The witness said she received three missed calls from Ms Sharma the day before she died. However, she did not return her calls because it was in the middle of the night.

During cross examinatio­n she confirmed that the accused chased her out of the school after a dispute. The court heard that the witness lodged a report against the accused at the Raiwaqa Police Station on the same day that the accused chased her from the school. However Ms Sharma pleaded with her to withdraw the complaint but she could not because the Police had already gone to the school to see the accused.

The witness also relayed an incident in which Ali spent a night at her house.

The witness responded saying the accused told her that he did not have any place to sleep and she only allowed him into her house after she informed her husband of the same. The accused is currently on remand.

Ali is represente­d by Defence lawyer Abhay Singh while Director of Public Prosecutio­ns lawyer Meli Vosawale is appearing for the Prosecutio­n. The trial will continue in the High Court next week.

 ??  ?? Murder accused Imshad Ali (left) who is alleged to have killed his 34-year-old de facto partner in Samabula, Suva.
Murder accused Imshad Ali (left) who is alleged to have killed his 34-year-old de facto partner in Samabula, Suva.

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