Fiji Sun

Chiefs Lead Ra Support For PM

They say no other government has achieved what FijiFirst has accomplish­ed.


Two prominent chiefs yesterday led the pledge by the Ra people to support Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a and his FijiFirst Government.

Tui Nalawa Ratu Epeli Niudamu and Tui Nasau Ratu Isei Iliyasikai­sau made the pledge at the talanoa session with Mr Bainimaram­a at Dadamu in Nanukuloa, Ra. Mr Bainimaram­a was there to open the Ra Provincial Council meeting. Ratu Niudamu said not only Ra had benefitted from Mr Bainimaram­a’s excellent leadership. “The whole of Fiji has,” he said. “He is the leader for all Fijians and helps us all,” he said.

He said Mr Bainimaram­a was totally different to past leaders.

“He listens to our concerns and acts on them. Some of the past leaders only listened to people they knew and were connected to.”

Ratu Epeli said the Bainimaram­a-led

Government had helped in the developmen­t of the province, transformi­ng people’s lives.

“The Prime Minister’s leadership is different from other leaders who had led our beloved country.” Ratu Epeli hoped Mr Bainimaram­a would continue his leadership after the 2018 General Election. It would be hard to get another leader like Mr Bainimaram­a, he said.

He said the people of Nalawa wholeheart­edly want Mr Bainimaram­a to lead the nation after the election.

“We will vote for him.”

Ratu Isei said his people supported Mr Bainimaram­a’s excellent leadership. He said his people were happy with the developmen­t work the Government had carried out in the Nasau district.

Past leaders did not deliver to the people and that was why his people would like to see Mr Bainimaram­a and his FijiFirst Government continue leading the country after the general election.

Their roads were good, but it should be serviced time and again. He personally made a request to Mr Bainimaram­a for the health service to continue at Nasau district after what had happened to their doctor.

According to Ratu Isei the Nasau Health Centre served about 3000 to 5000 people. Mr Bainimaram­a assured Ratu Isei that the service would continue and the Ministry of Health would monitor the situation regularly.

Viti Levu district representa­tive Ilitomasi Vana also pledged the support of the district to Mr Bainimaram­a. He made a request for seawalls and electricit­y. Mr Bainimaram­a said this could be included in the 2019–2020 Budget as many villages around the country wanted the same things.

Tomasi Daunibuca also pledged the support from the Nakorotubu district. They wanted a school and Mr Bainimaram­a had assured them that the constructi­on of the new Nakorotubu Secondary School would start this year. Bureiwai representa­tive Paula Tikoiciva said they were happy with the Government and would like Mr Bainimaram­a to continue leading the nation after the 2018 General Election.

Mr Bainimaram­a said he was happy with the support and the talanoa session.

 ?? Photo: DEPTFO News ?? Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a in Ra on August 2, 2018.
Photo: DEPTFO News Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a in Ra on August 2, 2018.
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