Fiji Sun

Importance of voting


Avenai Serutabua, Nabukelevu Village, Serua

As a concerned youth of Fiji, I am encouragin­g the people of Fiji to register themselves for the 2018 General Election and vote for the best leader. As many may not agree with me, but let me assure you that voting is really important to us Fijians.

The importance of voting is; you can decide! Why let other people decide what is best for you when you have a voice?

Do you want politician­s in office who represent your needs and concerns? Then vote! If you don't vote, someone else will.

Our government was designed for citizen participat­ion, so if you don't vote other people are going to make the decisions for you. It's your money.

The legislator­s you vote for will decide how to spend your money. Vote for those who agree with your point of view. You'll need a good job.

When you're done with school, you need somewhere to work and you'll want job training, pay equity, fairness in hiring and workplace safety.

You may be thinking, “This voting stuff sounds great, but what can I do? I'm not old enough to vote anyway”. There are many ways to be a part of the voting process before you are actually old enough to vote.

Spread the word - Get as many people who are eligible to register.

This is our time Fiji!

Your vote counts!

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