Fiji Sun

Mick Beddoes And Why He Was Out Of Political Arena For Some Time

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Old horse Mick Beddoes has made his intention known to re-enter Fiji’s political scene.

Mick is best remembered as the Opposition Leader who had only one other Member of Parliament from his Party.

He has had a very colourful political career but as he pointed out in his latest post on his official Facebook post, he was deliberate­ly quiet, not because he had given up on politics. No.

He was quiet because he was “negotiatin­g settlement of my constituti­onal entitlemen­t as a former Leader of the Opposition and I considered it inappropri­ate that I continue commenting on the government, while negotiatin­g the settlement of my entitlemen­ts that they have withheld for 12 years.”

Many had thought he left because he was very critical of Sitiveni Rabuka taking over as leader of SODELPA and of course who can forget all the questions which were raised about his position within the Opposition office.

But, it seems the former SODELPA leader Ro Teimumu Kepa and her staff had played a big role in assisting him get his entitlemen­ts.

While in his post Mick talks about keeping quiet, he makes no mention about any role he may or may not have played in setting up HOPE. He and former SODELPA youth leader who left that Party but went back to it after some soul searching- Pita Waqavonovo­no - had talked initially about HOPE.

Why Mick cannot be taken seriously? During his stint with SODELPA, Mick had undertaken a series of questionab­le surveys. He had unsuccessf­ully tried to lead a boycott Fiji Sun fight, which was not even taken on board by SODELPA collegues. He is back with more fun surveys and researches and “managed to compile a string of eye opening and factually based reports” that he will start to release before the end of this month.

If his new research and reports are anything like his previous boycott Fiji Sun attempts, it will not take him far.

 ??  ?? Mick Beddoes.
Mick Beddoes.
 ??  ?? SODELPA leader Sitiveni Rabuka.
SODELPA leader Sitiveni Rabuka.
 ??  ?? Former SODELPA leader Ro Teimumu Kepa.
Former SODELPA leader Ro Teimumu Kepa.

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