Fiji Sun

Use Honey First For A Cough, New Guidelines Say


Honey and over-the-counter medicines should be the first line of treatment for most people with coughs, new guidelines recommend.

Antibiotic­s should rarely be prescribed by doctors for coughs because in most cases they do little to improve symptoms, health officials say.

Most of the time a cough will improve on its own within two to three weeks. The new recommenda­tions for doctors are intended to help tackle the problem of antibiotic resistance.

Overusing antibiotic­s is making infections harder to treat, by creating drugresist­ant superbugs.

A hot drink with honey - and often with lemon and ginger as well - is a wellknown home remedy for coughs and a sore throat.

Now new proposed guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Public Health England (PHE) say there is some limited evidence that it can help improve cough symptoms.

Cough medicines containing pelargoniu­m, guaifenesi­n or dextrometh­orphan might also be beneficial, they say. Patients are being advised to use these treatments and wait for symptoms to improve on their own, before going to a GP. Most coughs are caused by viruses, which cannot be treated by antibiotic­s and will clear up on their own.

Yet despite this, research has previously found that 48% of UK GP practices have prescribed antibiotic­s for a cough or bronchitis.

Dr Susan Hopkins, a deputy director at PHE, said: “Antibiotic resistance is a huge problem, and we need to take action now to reduce antibiotic use... “These new guidelines will support GPs to reduce antibiotic prescripti­ons and we encourage patients to take their GP’s advice about self-care.”


However, the guidelines recommend that antibiotic­s may be necessary for a cough when it is part of a more serious underlying illness, or when a person is at risk of further complicati­ons, such as those with chronic health conditions or weakened immune systems. Honey is not recommende­d for children under the age of one because it occasional­ly contains bacteria that can cause infant botulism.

Dr Tessa Lewis, GP and chair of the antimicrob­ial prescribin­g guideline group, said: “People can check their symptoms on NHS Choices or NHS Direct Wales or ask their pharmacist for advice.

“If the cough is getting worse rather than better, or the person feels very unwell or breathless, then they would need to contact their GP.”

End sore throat antibiotic use, GPs told Patients ‘need rest, not antibiotic­s’ What to do if you have a cold or flu Analysis: Antibiotic apocalypse

The draft recommenda­tions are part of a raft of new antibiotic prescribin­g guidelines being developed jointly by PHE and NICE.

England’s chief medical officer, Prof Dame Sally Davies, has previously warned of a “post-antibiotic apocalypse”.

If the drugs fail, infections will become harder to treat and common medical procedures such as cancer treatments and transplant­s would be too risky, she said. The consultati­on on the new guidelines closes on September 20.

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