Fiji Sun

Proposed Rezoning


Willard Miller, Suva

It should be obvious why residents and home owners along the cliff side of Princes Road, whio have no financial interest in vacant lots at the top of Ellis Place, oppose rezoning from ‘Residentia­l A’ to ‘Commercial C’.

None of my neighbors are in favour of this proposal and certainly owners of homes nearest 147 Princes Road do not want a parking lot and supermarke­t with second storey apartments overlookin­g their private yards and swimming pools.

Less obvious is why the Suva City Council and the Director of Town and Country Planning see fit to entertain this ill-conceived plan. Apparently no attempt was made by SCC last month to individual­ly notify neighbourh­ood ratepayers. Some are still unaware of what is afoot. During the past year and a half there have been at least three objectiona­ble building proposals for sites within shouting distance from my residence. All of which involve high-end apartment units: 20 units at 131 Princes Road, 32 units at 121 Princes Road and now seven units atop a supermarke­t at 147 Princes Road.

Banning the sale of residentia­l land to foreigners several years ago has had the perhaps unintended consequenc­e of a boom in multi-million dollar freehold strata apartment proposals that will irreparabl­y alter Suva’s Residentia­l A zoned Tamavua ridge if allowed. Why allow gross overdevelo­pment of residentia­l lots along Princes Road where traffic already slows to a halt during rush hours?

Aren’t there already enough luxury freehold strata apartment units under constructi­on in Suva without despoiling Tamavua ridge?

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