Fiji Sun

Shocking, Recent Statistics Of Rape On Our Young People

Of course the stigma of being a rape victim or sexually molested is part of why people do not report this crime


Recent rape statistics, especially on young people and children are not only alarming, but extremely worrying.

From January 1st, 2018 till up to the end of August a total of 150 rape cases were reported – an average of about 18 rapes per month.

This is shocking, especially when one realises that these are cases that have been reported.

What is not reported is the worse aspect of this whole scenario.

By this we mean those cases that have not been brought out into the open because either the family does not want to be shamed as another family member is the culprit or the victims have been threatened by the perpetrato­rs with their lives.

Of course the stigma of being a rape victim or sexually molested is also part of why people do not report this crime.

However, the most frightenin­g aspect of these statistics are that these offences were committed on our young, from babies to 18 year olds.

The vulnerabil­ity of our children is only more clearly illustrate­d by the reports in the news media on sexual abuse and rape.

The sad thing is in those moments of madness, these poor children and young people cannot fight back.

They are at the mercy of these sadistic offenders, who think of nothing, but satisfying their own sexual lust.

One could imagine, as had happened recently, where the perpetrato­rs are the fathers or grandfathe­rs. What would be going on in the victims’ minds when the rapists are these people?

“Why are you doing this to me grandpa? Why are you doing this to me dad?”

“Are you not supposed to be my refuge where I could shelter when something bad is happening to me?” This scenario just makes you wonder why grandfathe­rs and fathers do this to their child – their own flesh and blood.

Most of our rape victims from within families sadly knew the attackers and were definitely the weaker side of the equation.

A total of 25 children under the age of eight were rape victims so far this year.

What is wrong and what must be done to fix these sick statistics which has become a shame on our society in Fiji.

Fiji is known for its warmth and loving people, but this goes against the grain and fabric of our society. Sundays were revered before – not now.

An example is the Sugar Festival on Sunday where pop music blared across the grounds at Churchill Park.

Gone are the days where Sunday was for church and family time.

Sunday is just like any ordinary day where commercial­isation has taken hold and deviated the majority of Fijian society from the roots it was built on. With that comes the rest and rape is high on that list. On June 2, 2017, this newspaper’s editorial by Managing Editor for News Jyoti Pratibha wrote: “Our religious leaders need to move their focus away from politics and other activities and concentrat­e on the spiritual upbringing of their congregati­on members. “They need to focus on teachings that will lead to stopping rape and sexual assault.

“They need to play a bigger role.

“We all need to play a bigger role. The fact that toddlers are being allegedly raped by their family members is a national shame.”

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