Fiji Sun

Family,Education in New Standards Booklet


This is the final part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints booklet on Standard for Youths.

Parts one, two and three were covered this week with the topics; Relationsh­ip and Sexuality, Vulgarity and Pornograph­y, Language, Honesty and Freedom to Choose.


Being part of a family is a great blessing. Your family can provide you with companions­hip and happiness, help you learn correct principles in a loving atmosphere, and help you prepare to live a successful life.

Strong families require effort. You can contribute to accomplish­ing this goal. Be cheerful, helpful, and considerat­e of family members. Many problems in the home come from family members speaking and acting selfishly or unkindly.

Honor your parents by showing love and respect for them. Follow their counsel, and have the confidence to talk to them about what happens in your life. Strengthen your relationsh­ips with your brothers and sisters, and you will see how they can become your closest friends.

Be willing to help with the chores at home. Participat­e in wholesome family activities, and cultivate or begin family traditions. Be patient and diligent as you try to make this happen.

What you do within your family now will prepare you to be a husband or wife and a mother or father someday. Set a goal to create your future family within the bonds of marriage.


Education is essential to your developing your maximum potential. As you educate yourself, you will cultivate abilities and talents that will help you meet your future responsibi­lities. The education you gain will be valuable to you throughout your life.

Education will prepare you to be useful in society. It will help you better provide for yourself, your family, and those in need. It will also help you be a wise counselor and companion to your future spouse and an informed and effective teacher of your future children.

Education is an investment of time and effort that brings great rewards and will open the doors of opportunit­y that may otherwise be closed to you. Education also increases your ability to appreciate what is good in your life.

Plan now to obtain whatever academic or vocational training is available to you. Be willing to work diligently and make sacrifices, if necessary. Set educationa­l goals and share them with your parents, other family members, friends, and teachers so they can support and encourage you.

Choose to actively participat­e in the learning opportunit­ies available to you.


Work is honorable. Developing the capacity to work will increase your self-worth and allow you to make greater contributi­ons to your community. It will bless you both now and in the future. Learning to work begins in the home. Help your family by willingly participat­ing in the work necessary to maintain a home. Learn early to handle your money wisely and live within your means. Avoid debt and save for the future.

Make it a habit to set high goals for yourself, and be willing to work hard to achieve them. Develop self-discipline, and give the best of yourself in all your responsibi­lities at home, in school, in your job, and in other pursuits.

Don’t be idle. Idleness is a negative behavior that can damage relationsh­ips and lead you down other dangerous paths. Do not waste your time and money in gambling. Gambling is wrong and should not be used as a form of entertainm­ent. It is addictive and can lead to lost opportunit­ies, ruined lives, and broken families. It is false to believe that you can get something for nothing.

Remember that you have great potential and great opportunit­ies await you. You will be blessed if you strive to develop your potential and accomplish your goals.

Physical and emotional health

You are responsibl­e for taking care of your physical and mental health. Stay away from alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. You will then have control over your life and maintain a healthy mind and body.

Never let yourself be deceived into thinking that consuming these substances will make you happier, more popular, or more attractive or that “just this once won’t hurt.” They are addictive and damage your body and mind. Alcohol weakens your senses and self-control.

Try to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get enough rest. Be moderate and balanced in all aspects of your physical health. Avoid extreme diets that might lead to nutritiona­l deficienci­es.

Your emotional health is also important and may affect your physical well-being. Disappoint­ment and occasional sadness are part of life. If you have prolonged feelings of sadness, hopelessne­ss, anxiety, or depression, talk with your parents or another trusted adult and get the help you need.

In all aspects of your life, always seek healthy solutions to problems.

Relationsh­ip with God

All people, without exception, are sons and daughters of God. Knowing you’re a son or daughter of a loving Heavenly Father can give you the assurance that He is interested in you and wants the best for your life.

Life is full of both opportunit­ies and challenges. If you live in harmony with God and seek His guidance, He will help you with difficult situations that you don’t know how to resolve for yourself.

One way to get started is to cultivate a habit of prayer. Speaking often with your Heavenly Father will help you feel that He is listening to you. With time, you will learn to listen to Him through the feelings of your heart.

You can also draw near to God through scripture study. This will help you understand God’s will and know how He can guide your life. Study your scriptures regularly and strive to apply their teachings.

Regardless of your religious persuasion, share your faith with others so you can strengthen and help each other. Being a part of a strong and faithful community can give you the spiritual strength necessary to face life’s challenges.

As you live in harmony with our Heavenly Father’s will, you will have a life full of positive experience­s. You will make correct choices, feel peace inside, and be happy knowing God is always with you to protect you and guide you. Question: “Does the way I live draw me nearer to my Heavenly Father on a daily basis?” Question: “What am I doing to care for my physical and emotional health? Question: “How can an education benefit me and my future family?” Question: “Am I using my time in productive activities that will prepare me to work now and in the future?” Question: “Do I help to make my home a happy, safe place?”

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