Fiji Sun

PM: Serve Your Communitie­s Well


serve the communitie­s in the area to the best of their abilities. Mr Bainimaram­a made the comment as he handed over the keys for new ambulances to National Fire Authority chief fire officer Qionilau Moceitai in a ceremony at the Savusavu Fire Station yesterday.

The ambulances worth $89,800 handed over to the National Fire Authority are set to expand the authority’s emergency response. Mr Bainimaram­a said Government had been assisting the NFA, among other things, in the provision of capital grants for the purchase of ambulance vehicles and specialise­d equipment.

He said it was Government’s objective to equip all fire stations with an ambulance.

“My Government will continue to provide good working facilities for our people, resulting in a happy and productive workforce,” Mr Bainimaram­a said.

“My fellow Fijians, it is my humble plea to the people of Savusavu to take fire safety seriously at your homes and your environmen­t.

“I must emphasise that fire safety is everyone’s responsibi­lity. To our firefighte­rs who will be driving this new ambulance - serve the communitie­s of Savusavu to the best of your ability and look after your new ambulance and fire station. “You will be relied upon to provide life-saving services, a responsibi­lity that should be respected at all times.

“The Government is pleased to be an integral part in National Fire Authority’s emergency ambulance operation,” he said.

The ambulances were bought from Vision Motors. They were manufactur­ed in China and are equipped with essential ambulance gear. The ambulances will service the Cakaudrove areas and will be stationed at the Savusavu Fire Station. Edited by Epineri Vula

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