Fiji Sun

between THE LINES Maika Bolatiki M: (679) 9990732 Email:



Croz Walsh, emeritus Professor of USP and informed blogger on the election scene, has been looking at the SODELPA line-up in his latest posting.

He points out that the 42 provisiona­l candidates SODELPA has named so far consist of nine chiefs, four women, two Indo-Fijians and the remainder are male iTaukei.


Much interestin­g comment by expert speakers on day one of Fiji Law Society’s 2018 conference at the InterConti­nental. But seems only one lawyer’s views were priority at our opposition paper.

Their edition yesterday featured only comments by Richard Naidu, described as a prominent Suva lawyer. No surprise that they were critical of Government. Mr Naidu is, of course, a prominent partner at Munro Leys. Guess which law firm represents the opposition newspaper? No surprise there either.


We can understand why the members of the Mataqali Vatuwaqa of Suvavou are frustrated and fuming over their long battle to get them recognised as legitimate traditiona­l owners of 35 acres of prime land at Flagstaff.

Some members who started the campaign have died.

That’s why those who are carrying on the fight are praying that they will see the day when they sign on the dotted line and witness their land ownership formalised and registered with the ITaukei Land Trust Board.

At the moment it is registered under the Ministry of Lands.

They have been praying and fasting for a breakthrou­gh.

It is understood that one of the sticky points in this saga is that the land in question belongs to the Yavusa, not the Mataqali.

The confusion is both are called Vatuwaqa The Yavusa (tribe) consists of a number of

Mataqali (clans).

But the clan members claim the land belongs to them, not the Yavusa.

The PM’s Office in 2001 seemed to think so. What needs to happen now is for the ITaukei Land Trust Board, Ministry of Lands, PM’s Office to sit down and settle this matter once and for all.

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