Fiji Sun

Meet Vodafone Sugar Festival Queen Contestant: Nilshika Singh


Name: Nilshika Singh , 20, Nadi Occupation: Crew Person at McDonald’s Nadi.

What are your hobbies?

Socialisin­g and sporting activities.

How did the idea of being a contestant come about?

This is actually my third pageant and I’m very excited since the stage will not be a new place for me.

What are the major challenges faced in the community?

Women are being assaulted and harassed. They have been made victims of abuse. We need to do something about it.

What is you major source of inspiratio­n in life?

My parents have always been there for me. I consider them they key persons in my life.

What was your biggest obstacle in life and how did you master it?

When it was my first time to go to stage. I was so nervous. But I took the challenge. I wanted to go out there and prove myself, to be someone who can make a change. I also had to encourage myself that I could do it.

What is your philosophy towards a happy life?

Just be yourself. Follow your dreams and never give up on life. Don’t listen to others because the society will always be there to discourage you from following your dreams.

How do you handle failures and what keeps you going face to face with disasters?

With a smile and I always tell myself that I can do it next time.

If you had the opportunit­y to change one thing about the society, what would it be?

For everyone to live harmonious­ly and in togetherne­ss.

What is your message to everyone?

Everyone is a winner at the end of the day.

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