Fiji Sun

Levelling the playing field and opening more opportunit­ies to people


The Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimaram­a, yesterday emphasised the Government’s developmen­t policy in the country’s 14 provinces when he addressed the Namosi Provincial Council meeting. In the past the element of provincial­ism had crept into iTaukei governance impeding developmen­t and progress. It had been exacerbate­d by favouritis­m. Those in positions of authority and influence tended to favour their own provinces. This resulted in an unfair distributi­on of resources and funds.

The principles of good governance like accountabi­lity and transparen­cy were often overlooked in the process. That change under the leadership of Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a has finally broken the cycle of leaders favouring their own provinces to the detriment of the national interest.

The FijiFirst’s inclusive policies have effectivel­y ended the regressive old practices. They are based on the genuine needs of the respective provinces obtained by listening to the people through various forums, including the

talanoa sessions.

The administra­tive structure has been establishe­d under the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs. Provincial councils have been given the tools and the freedom to act as catalysts for developmen­t in their provinces. These have been provided based on internatio­nal best practices. But those who criticise them belong to the old school. They claim that provincial councils have lost their independen­ce because they do not choose their chairperso­ns. The ministry not only ratifies the appointmen­t, it monitors the activities of the councils to ensure compliance.

In the past, this was no non-existent. It resulted in poor performanc­e and mismanagem­ent. Structures are now in place to ensure this does not happen again.

They prompt the delegates, the mata ni tikina (district reps) and turaga-ni-koro (village headmen) to focus on their core responsibi­lities to serve the people their represent.

Government has made the provincial councils as its developmen­t arm especially when its officials are in contact with the people in rural areas.

These councils have been led by Fijian women and men who share Government’s vision for what the nation is capable of becoming, and who are helping realise their vision at the grassroots level every day.

This same commitment is shared by the Namosi Provincial Council, says the Prime Minister. Namosi paramount chief, Turaga na Tui Namosi, Ratu Suliano Matanitobu­a appears very happy with the developmen­ts carried out in his province.

These developmen­ts help lift the lifestyle and welfare of the people.

This year alone Government has already completed a new hospital at Namelimeli and is extending the national electricit­y grid to Naqarawai and Wainikoroi­luva and bringing solar power to Naqara and Nukusere and Navunisoco. Government is building a new Farmers Collection Centre Co-operative and a new evacuation centre in Saliadrau. It is completing a new Ministry of Agricultur­e Office to serve the province, and new water projects in Wainadoi, Nakuvu Primary School, Wainilotuv­elu Primary, Nakavika and Nukusere. And soon, Government will begin work on a brand-new access road stretching from Nasoqo to Wainiyavu.

The developmen­t they’re experienci­ng is lifting and empowering the people on an equal basis.

These developmen­ts are also seen in Serua, Ba, Rewa, Naitasiri, Lau and Macuata.

Every other province is experienci­ng that same pace of record developmen­t that is sweeping across the country. With the increasing number of students in the province and the lack of schools, a new Ratu Simione Matanitobu­a College will be under constructi­on with the landowners giving their consent to the site. Students from the provinces of Namosi and Serua are travelling daily to Suva to attend classes.

These examples tell us that Government resources are being spread to benefit as many people as possible.

It is gradually levelling the playing field, opening opportunit­ies to more people.

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