Fiji Sun

Why do we believe conspiracy theories?

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Arvind Mani, Nadi

At recent Trump rallies, people have been observed publicly expressing support for “Qanon”: an anonymous person or group that claims to have access to top-level security informatio­n about a secret cabal of corrupt elites, intellectu­als, left-wing politician­s and celebritie­s conspiring to exploit and even enslave people. If it sounds crazy, that's because it is.

The recent case of the students in a school in Votualevu being called “political messengers” is a case in point when students were given flyers to inform the parents of a FijiFirst rally at the school. When I taught at Cuvu High School in the early 70s, an official of the National Federation Party (NFP) wanted the school to let the people know that there was going to be a NFP rally at the school.

So we made about 300 copies of the flyer and gave them to all the students to inform their parents.

There was a no hidden agenda – it was merely to inform. There was no “misuse of power” by the NFP at that time as SODELPA leader Sitiveni Rabuka has claimed in the Votualevu school incident, and he should know best what misuse of power is.

Putting aside the fact that some conspiracy theories turn out to be true, even factfree conspiracy theories can be followed by people who otherwise behave relatively normally.

Widespread support for conspiracy theories is also not simply a symptom of our modern digital society. In the dark ages, witch hunts were based on the belief that young women gathered in the woods to conspire with the devil, and many traditiona­l societies still accuse enemy tribes of sorcery to harm or control them.

The fear that evil forces conspire to hurt good people is deeply rooted in the human psyche.

Feelings of anxiety and uncertaint­y also help fuel conspiracy theories. Such emotions function as a psychologi­cal warning signal, leading people to try and make sense of societal events that frighten them.

Feelings of uncertaint­y, coupled with the feeling that your life is not fully in your control anymore, increases conspiracy thinking. Emotions reflecting uncertaint­y — such as fear or worry — can increase conspiracy beliefs.

Human brains are hard-wired to protect their own group against competing groups, and therefore more easily attribute the actions of competing groups to conspiraci­es.

To some extent, we may all occasional­ly perceive a conspiracy where there is none. But this makes it even more important to take this phenomenon seriously.

Going forward, helping citizens distinguis­h fact from fiction is going to be an increasing­ly important challenge and leaders of political parties need to act in a more responsibl­e manner. Debunking conspiracy theories when and where they appear is helpful, but it cannot just be the media or the political leadership's responsibi­lity. We have to understand the psychologi­cal triggers and motivation­s if we want to mitigate the influence and potential dangers of this kind of thinking.

Because the truth is that conspiracy theories will always thrive when people or political parties feel like they are not in control.

Votualevu drama Premila Singh, Suva

What's all the drama about the Votualevu School manager's newsletter? Wasn't NFP holding campaign meetings in schools in Rakiraki?

Party of denial Dharmendra Kumar, Suva

The leader of the National Federation Party (NFP) cannot stop denying despite concrete proof of the nonsense being spewed by candidates and former candidates.

Apart from the Prime Minister, I am really worried about the calibre of leaders in the respective political parties.

The politics of denial is profoundly disturbing and it's becoming a hallmark of the NFP.

There are two kinds of denial. The kind that involves a conscious lie, as when a child denies he cheated in the exams or the husband denies he was busy at work. We expect this kind of denial.

It is as old as the world.

The other, modern kind of denial getting popularise­d is a symptom of angry and bitter politician­s who like to condone garbage. Mr Biman Prasad please stop denying what's so obvious.

We want leaders who are trustworth­y and those that have integrity. Sometimes denial is the worst kind of lie because it's the lie you are telling yourself.

As the leader you are condoning poor behaviour and it's not a good reflection on your leadership.

Winning is always nice but don't lose your integrity in the process.

Can poverty be eradicated? Neelz Singh, Lami

Tackling inequality and corruption while promoting political will can help overcome global poverty, but how can we determine people are below the poverty line. What tools can be used to monitor how people face challenges in everyday life to overcome poverty.

According to the United Nations, the main purpose of such days is to raise awareness, generate support, and call attention to unresolved problems, important and pending issues in our communitie­s. This awareness is intended to encourage government­s to enact polices toward achieving a determined goal, or to demonstrat­e support for citizens to demand the same from their representa­tives. Working together as a community and helping those in need was a major focus for our Government of the day.

Now the challenges are: the cost of living and prices of basic food items and the cost of fuel and gas prices.

The abuse of government initiative­s to reduce poverty and the abuse of assistance provided after natural disasters tends to divert attention away from those who genuinely need help.

What factors stand in the way of eliminatin­g poverty, and what steps should be taken to do so?

This kind of awareness is what we need with World Food Day that is celebrated every October 16. Global food security is a major concern, especially with the increasing adverse impact of climate change on agricultur­e worldwide.

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