Fiji Sun

Parties Plan Lawsuit Over Poll Result

- SELITA BOLANAVANU­A SUVA Edited by Epineri Vula

Opposition parties say they will not accept the result of the 2018 General Election and will take legal action. Unity Fiji party leader Savenaca Narube yesterday confirmed to the Fiji Sun that the party stood with other Opposition parties on the issue.

He said “to my understand­ing”, the four parties including SODELPA, Unity Fiji, Fiji Labour Party and National Federation Party were working to take legal action over the election result.

When contacted yesterday, NFP leader Biman Prasad said he would make an announceme­nt on the matter today. Meanwhile, at a SODELPA appreciati­on lunch gathering on Monday, party leader Sitiveni Rabuka said they would seek legal redress through lawyers.

Mr Rabuka labelled the election result as unsatisfac­tory.

“This is the avenue of protest, legal avenue of protest available to every citizen and organisati­ons like us to question the validity of an official event,” he said.

“While we now acknowledg­e the results that have come out, we are not satisfied that they are genuine and credible so we will pursue that avenue to determine the legitimacy of the results that we have been shown.” FLP parliament­ary leader Aman RavindraSi­ngh could not be reached for comments when this edition went to press.

According to the Electoral Decree, Election petitions must be addressed to the Court of Disputed Returns within 21 days after declaratio­n of results.

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