Fiji Sun

Late-night Blaze Catches Students By Surprise

- SHEENAM CHANDRA Edited by Epineri Vula Feedback: nicolette.chambers@

Lebanese student Tarek Wael Wazni was catching up on his reading at the University of the South Pacific’s Faculty of Arts, Law and Education (FALE) Postgradua­te Lab when he heard a loud, crackling sound on Thursday night. He ran out of the building only to find the Communicat­ions Building which houses the Student Administra­tive Services (SAS), Pacific Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and the Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL) on fire.

“I found out about the fire by hearing loud breaking sounds outside the Faculty of Arts, Law and Education (FALE) Postgradua­te Lab. I was inside doing some reading,” the 24-year-old Postgradua­te Diploma in Literature said.

“It didn’t take me any time at all to reach the building because when you exit the Postgradua­te lab, the SAS building is just across the FALE block.”

Mr Wazni could not gauge the exact time the fire started, but the National Fire Authority (NFA) reached Student Academic Services Building fast and worked quickly to control the fire.

By the time firefighte­rs were able to bring the flames under control, two levels of the three-storey building were completely destroyed.

The NFA released a statement saying that the Suva Fire Station received a fire emergency call from USP’s security officers and immediatel­y responded. “Upon arrival at 11.33pm, the fire team saw Levels 2 and 3 of the Student Administra­tive Services building fully engulfed in flames,” NFA said.

The NFA fire team used multiple deliveries of water from their fire trucks and fire hydrant supply to extinguish the fire, stopping it from spreading to the ground floor.

“Five fire trucks were engaged to put out the fire. Quick action by the firefighte­rs stopped the fire from destroying the whole building and from spreading any further.”

NFA will conduct its investigat­ions to determine the cause of the fire. However, when a team arrived at the scene yesterday afternoon firefighte­rs were still trying to douse the flames.

USP has also released a statement confirming that no student or staff of the University was injured or harmed at the time of the fire. “Alternativ­e arrangemen­ts have been made for all staff affected,” the USP said.

“The National Fire Authority is currently at the site and the affected area is cordoned off and is strictly out of bounds to the public.”

The university is tightlippe­d on an estimate of damage.

Late yesterday afternoon the university released another statement advising staff who worked at the damaged building to report to other buildings within the Laucala Campus for work.

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