Fiji Sun

Rising sea level threatens Udu Village

Headman hopes seawall plan will be approved at Lau Provincial Council meeting in February


The effects of climate change experience­d in maritime areas in the country should be taken seriously.

At Udu Village in Totoya, Lau, the vulnerabil­ity of the land and its people are visible.

The rising sea level has reached the village green and is slowly being washed away.

The global phenomena is taking its toll on the island and the villagers, fearing that they could lose more land, are hoping to build a seawall as soon as possible.

Village headman Railala Bilitaki

We have no other option but opt to erect a seawall. We are hoping that during the meeting in February our plan will be approved. If it is not approved, we have no other option but to relocate Railala Bilitaki Udu village headman

said he returned to the village three years ago and the difference was clear.

“I was in Suva because of education and when I returned to the village three years ago I was shocked when I saw the beach,” Mr Bilitaki said.

“I didn’t recognise it because the wave is reaching the land. Something has to be done. If not, we will have to be relocated but we don’t want that to happen.”

He said the villagers have come up with solutions collective­ly.

“We are hoping that during the Lau Provincial Council Meeting it would be suggested that a seawall be built here at Udu,” Mr Bilitaki said.

“We have no other option but opt to erect a seawall. We are hoping that during the meeting in February our plan will be approved. If it is not approved, we have no other option but to relocate.”Edited

by Naisa Koroi

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