Fiji Sun

Organic farming

Satish Nakched, Suva


It is pleasing to note that in the news this week the Agricultur­e Ministry has finally recognised the need to engage farmers in the organic farming by providing the suited fertiliser and the technical knowledge.

This is long overdue as most of the poultry, meat and the produce that are imported into the country and some produced locally are mostly the genetic modified organism (GMO).

The GMO is now widely used because this has increased the yield of the crops almost three folds over the same time period. The growth hormones and other chemicals are injected into the genetic makeup of the crops or animals that achieve the fast maturity and the farmers save enormous resources in their operation cost.

The chicks take about three months under the natural habitat environmen­t to mature but through the use of the GMO the growth rate is accelerate­d and ready for consumptio­n in about a month.

One of the leading local poultry farms is utilising the concept and image the poisonous substance entering the human body through the consumptio­n of the birds that may lead to an adverse health condition which will increase the nation’s medical bill across the board.

The organic concept is more than two decades old in the larger neighbouri­ng countries and the supermarke­ts have sections that advertise in boldf the organic food sold there.

The health has become more and more important to the customers who want to be healthy and will only purchase what they consider safe to consume.

This has forced the producers to align to this concept and failing to do so many results in not having a stable market to sell to. Through the plan awareness has changed the mindset of the consumers to choose what is best for them and their families.

In the long run this benefits the country as a whole in the reduction of medical expenses. I had spoken to three floor managers of the leading supermarke­ts in Suva and this concept of selling organic food is still a very foreign idea to them.

They are not very keen on the suggestion even though some imported organic products were seen on the shelves.

I believe there needs to be a system of disseminat­ing such informatio­n to the general public so that a demand is created that will force the traders to stock up on organic products and eliminate the unhealthy eating habits of many.

There may come a time that our exports could be affected due to the fact the overseas markets will only receive the organic products. The Ministry of Agricultur­e has taken a step in the right direction. The Ministry of Agricultur­e needs to be consistent in its approach and assist farmers accordingl­y to make the concept materialis­e.

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