Fiji Sun

between THE LINES

- Selita Bolanavanu­a M: (679) 3307555 Email: selita.bolanavanu­


As social media debate rages on terrorism in the wake of the unpreceden­ted shooting at two mosques in Christchur­ch, some local groups like many others, are trying to understand why 50 innocent lives were lost in a senseless shooting rampage. Many dig deeper into their consciousn­ess to look for answers. One Suva man at a Christian prayer group that held a vigil for the victims of the terror attack searched the Holy Bible. He wanted to share what he thought would be appropriat­e and useful at this time. While many are shocked that the terror attack happened, of all places, in New Zealand, usually regarded as a peaceful country, he says we should not be shocked although the attack was unacceptab­le and a heinous crime. He says many terrible things will happen as prophesied by Paul in his letter to Timothy (2nd Timothy 3: 1-4) before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. He explains we are living in the last days just as Paul predicted. Some of the social problems that we are facing, are signs, he claims. Let’s hope and pray that terrorism does not spread to our shores, he says.


Talking about terrorism, it is linked to hatred and the ideology of supremacis­m. A supremacis­t believes he or she is superior to others and has the right to control and subjugate people. It’s a dangerous ideology and one that should be shunned by everyone here, BTL believes. Racism and religious bigotry are offshoots. Hatred is the common thread that runs through the terrorism landscape. It is the trigger that sets off the kind of violence we saw in Christchur­ch. Let’s replace hatred with love and live together peacefully, says BTL


Who calls the shot in this ministry – the finance boss or senior officers above him? It seems it is the finance boss. An event, scheduled for Friday, that was signed off by the senior officers, hangs in the balance because the finance boss is asking questions. Now officers further down the line are running around. If only the senior officers had explained the purpose of the event clearly to the finance chap, the situation would have been different. All it has created is unnecessar­y panic and a waste of time.


Workers were happy to get a pay rise in one company. But they later found that one perk has been withdrawn. It’s all about getting the balance right.

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