Fiji Sun

FICAC officer tells more of probe findings

- ASHNA KUMAR Feedback:

Fiji Independen­t Commission Against Corruption investigat­ing officer Mosese Matanisiga yesterday spoke more about its finding during their investigat­ions.

While giving evidence during the trial of University of Fiji former Registrar Kamlesh Arya, he said that during their investigat­ion, there was no findings revealing the directive from the Permanent Secretary for Education which stated that loans or transfers were not allowed

Arya is charged by Fiji Independen­t Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) with one count each of abuse of office and general dishonesty and appeared before High Court Judge Justice Riyaz Hamza yesterday for his tenth-day of trial. Arya is represente­d by lawyer Vijay Maharaj and Queens Counsel Gregory Woods. Prosecutio­n is represente­d by FICAC lawyers Sam Savumirami­ra and Laite Bokini.

Trial day 10:

FICAC’s officer who was also the witnessing officer at the time Arya was taken in for the caution interview, Mr Matanisiga took the stand as Prosecutio­n’s sixth witness. During cross-examinatio­n, Mr Matanisiga told the court that there were no documents or emails signed by Arya or had Arya’s name on the list of attendees for the workshop which was conducted by the Ministry of Education to educate the school heads and managers on the uses of the Free Education Grant.

He also told the court that there was no evidence or findings during the investigat­ion of the grant money in any of Arya’s personal bank accounts.

Mr Matanisiga also told the court that as per their findings, the purpose of the loans was of paying the staff of the school.

The trial continues before Justice Hamza today.


Abuse of office

It is alleged that Arya between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, in Suva, while being employed in the public service as the Registrar at the University of Fiji, and while acting as the School Manager for Bhawani Dayal Memorial Primary School, did arbitrary acts for gain in abuse of the authority of his office, namely authorised loans amounting to $116,500 from the Free Education Grant provided by the Ministry of Education to Bhawani Dayal Memorial Primary School, which was prejudicia­l to the rights of the Ministry and Bhawani Dayal Memorial Primary School.

General dishonesty

It is also alleged that between the same time period, in Suva, while being employed in the public service as the Registrar at the University of Fiji and while acting as the School Manager for Bhawani Dayal Memorial Primary School, dishonestl­y caused a risk of loss to Bhawani Dayal Memorial Primary School by authorisin­g the Free Education Grants as loans amounting to $116,500, and knowing that the loss will occur or substantia­l risk of the loss will occur to Bhawani Dayal Memorial Primary School. Edited by Naisa Koroi

 ??  ?? University of Fiji former Registrar Kamlesh Arya.
University of Fiji former Registrar Kamlesh Arya.

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