Fiji Sun

Dirty politics


Tukai Lagonilake­ba, Nadi

Mere Samisoni is entitled to her opinion or views relevant to her many allegation­s in the Fiji Sun on April 23, 2019 and I personally feel she is still very bitter over her loss in the last election with nine others who lost out also claiming dirty politics within SODELPA to be the main cause, but I personally believe that if they are to survive with SODELPA than there is no other way but to go dirty as well.

I personally feel that Sitiveni Rabuka, Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu and Ro Teimumu Kepa must come out in the open and explain the allegation­s made by Ms Samisoni or otherwise the SODELPA bus is headed for self-destructio­n and will not be in existence come our 2022 National Election.

Their voters and supporters will get tired from these groups constant internal power struggles and their dirty CBM Vanua politics which is deeply rooted in their daily affairs and running of their house, but the bottom line is the supporters have nothing to gain from all these until the next election where they will definitely move away from these many unproducti­ve lies with their many false promises which are registered in their 2018 party manifestos.

There is a lesson here, there is absolutely no leadership material and the elders in the party are not in control of their situation, mark my word, there will not be a SODELPA party come our next election and Mick Beddoes is taking very keen interests from sideline on all these developmen­ts.

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