Fiji Sun

Budget Kit

- Dhirendra Prasad, Lautoka

I salute the Government of the day for publishing and serving the public, informativ­e, detailed and profession­al looking budget booklets only at the cost of the newspaper that included these booklets.

In fact, this initiative is proof that there is nothing to hide at this level. It also proves that our young and old generation­s are being empowered with informatio­n they need on how they are being affected and what the future holds for them.

Although it may have been a costly affair, this initiative will not be in vain. As a quick reference for researcher­s, the booklets will enable better understand­ing of the status of the nation instead of relying on rumours and grog session talanoa.

Of course, the bush lawyers would have their say in their own world but would be careful as a booklet may be available somewhere within the reach.

I hope our people will read the content of these documents and make decisions on how to calculate their way forward. Do not allow yourself to be fooled by people but stay focused in determinin­g your future based on the implicatio­ns of such a plan in the documents mentioned in this write up.

This is the way forward as informatio­n must not be withheld, but released for the benefit of the citizens. I hope all other such documents would be released as per research findings and divulged to the citizens who can make informed decisions for their future.

The budget must be discussed in learning institutio­ns and given a status of high priority irrespecti­ve of what one thinks. We all are affected by its content and must strategica­lly plan within the boundaries of the budget.

Without commenting on the content, I salute the initiators of this initiative to provide us a copy of the budget for our consumptio­n.

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