Fiji Sun

Chinese Religious Circles Strongly Condemn America Defamation

- Xinhua

Chinese religious circles have expressed deep indignatio­n and strongly condemned the defamation of China’s freedom of religious belief by some people and entities in the United States, who fabricated reports and held a conference on “promoting religious freedom.”

Leaders of several national religious organisati­ons called a meeting in Beijing on Friday to condemn the United States on making an issue of religion to attack China and express their solemn position. Noting that Chinese Christians have benefited from China’s policy of freedom of religious belief, a leader of the China Christian Council said the United States’ accusation against China -- in disregard of facts and under the pretext of “religious freedom” -- was inconceiva­ble and outrageous.

The United States has politicise­d religion and used religion as a pretext to attack the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government, which is a shameful act of blasphemy, the Christian leader said. A leader of the Islamic Associatio­n of China said the Chinese Islamic community was angered by what the United States had done.

He said the acts exposed the United States’ double standards as the United States itself was facing a rise of racism.

A leader of the Buddhist Associatio­n of China said over the past four decades the CPC and the Chinese government had made tremendous efforts in ensuring the freedom of religious belief and no one was in a better position than the more than 200 million religious believers in China to comment on that.

The United States invited people engaging in antiChina activities to the conference on so-called promoting religious freedom, which exposed the ugliness of their political deals under the pretext of religion, the leader said. “Every religious believer in China is opposed to that.”

Religious figures attending Friday’s meeting said they all agreed that only Chinese religious believers shall have the final say on whether China had the freedom of religious belief.

They also urged relevant parties in the United States to stop their despicable farce and to leave religion in peace.

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