Fiji Sun

between THE LINES

- Avinesh Gopal M: (679) 3307555 Email:


Seen at the Suva City foreshore, just across State House were garbage bags lined up on the seawall.

This arose the curiosity in the BTL crew who found that a lone person was filling these bags with plastic and other garbage that had lined the shore line.

What was even more astounding was that it was a foreign national who was doing it.

The BTL crew tried to have a conversati­on with the woman but found that she barely spoke English.

Love for the environmen­t and knowing the future if we keep littering transcends across all languages.

However, it is quite shameful to see a foreigner cleaning up the mess made by locals.

The sea is not a rubbish bin.


Some Police officers need to be briefed on the role of the media.

One particular case was of a reporter being hassled by a female officer outside court last Friday.

BTL has been informed that the female officer pointed at the reporter and ordered that she put her phone down and not take pictures even though it was outside the courtroom.

This incident would not have happened if the Police officer knew what the media can do and what it cannot do.


Police presence on the streets of Suva City at night has no doubt increased over the past few weeks.

But people who try to get back to their homes after finishing at the night spots are said to be facing problems.

Some people have told BTL that a few taxi drivers are refusing to take people coming out of nightclubs, fearing that they may be too drunk.

It is the reason why some people are stranded on the streets as they try to catch the next ride home.

And while waiting, these people become vulnerable and can become targets of criminal elements who may be lurking around.

Time for some taxi drivers to think twice whether they want to do jobs at night or stay at home if they are selective in picking up passengers.

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