Fiji Sun

Flying Fijians

Epeli Rabua, Suva


The Rugby World Cup 2019 has begun. And everyone in Fiji will agree with me that our current Flying Fijians rugby team is the finest to represent us in Japan today. At different moments we have had great Flying Fijian teams and they were excellent in their own time and generation.

And I must confess here that today’s generation should be very proud that our current Flying

Fijians team is one of the very best and strongest Fiji has ever produced in any one year, let alone in a Rugby World Cup year.

On an individual basis, our players tick all the essential attributes that make a great player in every position in a 15s rugby team.

In some positions, the Fiji players surpass the obligatory “great” narrative, they are awesome!!!

It’s a given that the world has come to understand that Fijian rugby players have natural talent in abundance and for that we have been denied the basic developmen­t required to be a Tier 1 nation in 15s rugby.

For 7s rugby, Fiji are not only Tier 1, we are at elite level and we control our own destiny in this shortened form of rugby.

It is this natural talent that has given our Flying Fijian players the opportunit­y to showcase their abilities as elite rugby players in Europe’s tier one club rugby competitio­n.

The rugby world has always dreaded that one day this abundant Fijian natural talent, combined with proper physical training, size and the right coaching, will produce the perfect blend of controlled chaotic rugby in a team of 14 backs and 1 fullback!

Do we dare say that day has come? With the current Flying Fijians, we have such a team. Their time is now!

The team believes it and we believe it. We believe we can win.

Toso Viti!!!

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