Fiji Sun

Teacher issues


Dewan Chand, Suva

The school year 2020 has started with mumbling and grumblings on two major teacher issues. First, the promotion of teachers on Open Merit Recruitmen­t System and this has been dubbed as draconian by some.

The Ministry of Education seems to be determined to enforce this formula irrespecti­ve of the consequenc­es, As you already know that some school management­s are up in arms regarding the postings of principals to their school without prior consultati­on. The Ministry of Education seems to be treating all schools as if they were government department­s where they have the final say.

However, the government may be well within its rights to post anyone to government controlled schools.

But to enforce the same attitude in committee run schools borders on insensitiv­ity.

The history of schools in Fiji shows that most of them were establishe­d by religious groups to promote their language, culture and traditiona­l beliefs.

As a result most schools in Fiji are managed by religious organisati­ons. To remove them from the educationa­l equation is a big blunder.

They should be consulted as to who will head their school. Acceptabil­ity by the management is core to the success of the school. The Ministry must stop creating conflict situations and start talking to the school management­s. I am sure there is an alternativ­e way. Belligeren­ce helps no one.

The second issue is the teacher employment on contract system. I think this has done much to discourage bright minds from joining the teaching profession. And those who have joined keep looking for an alternativ­e employment. Simply because there is no career guarantee in the teaching profession for the long term. If we want quality teachers then we have to ensure that teachers are treated with respect and dignity.

I appeal to the school management­s, and the Ministry of Education to come to an amicable solution in the interest of all concerned with the education of our children.

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