Fiji Sun

Taxi drivers road rage, defying rules daily at Grantham Road

- SHALVEEN CHAND Edited by Percy Kean

Road rage and traffic congestion is nothing new along Grantham Road in Raiwai alongside Damodar City as the two lane road has been reduced to a single lane.

And most of the blame has been shifted to taxis lining up along the frontage of Damodar City on a road clearly marked with a solid yellow line, indicating no parking or stopping at all times. The scene does not change on any day. Taxis line up on the side of the road unless Land Transport Authority (LTA) or the Fiji Police Force are present.

Kuar Jeet Singh, of Nailuva Road, said he had found the taxis that stopped there a traffic nuisance even during the hours when there should be a clearway.

“It seems some people are operating on a different set of rules. We are supposed to abide by the laws and these drivers do as they please,” Mr Singh said.

Mere Senirosi, a security officer at Damodar City, said there were times when the drivers of taxis that stopped along the yellow line would have fights with other drivers.

“At times it is an accident waiting to happen as they suddenly drive off caring less for oncoming traffic,” she said

Feroz Mohammed, of Nabua, said he avoided coming that way whenever he could because of the traffic situation.

“It is more of a problem when you are going towards Laucala Bay Road. Sometimes I feel that if I had a truck I would plough my way through these taxis just to teach them road rules,” he said.

LTA in its response said they monitor the area whenever they could and they have fined taxis and other vehicles for stopping on yellow lines.

This has been collaborat­ed by people who said that when LTA arrives, the taxis flee.

The Fiji Taxi Union have called on the authoritie­s to make a stop and drop off lane for passengers.

 ??  ?? Traffic along Grantham Road in Raiwai, Suva.
Traffic along Grantham Road in Raiwai, Suva.

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